Class NoDash

class NoDash
NoDash.js is a terse utility library based on ES5+ features

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Description (skip)

NoDash.js is a terse utility library based on ES5+ features.

NoDash differs from already established utility libraries (such as Underscore.js’ un: and LoDash’s lo:):

NoDash was written from scratch for Sqimitive (sq@) as a replacement for Underscore. Usually you can just swap it in place of Underscore or LoDash but do check COMPATIBILITY for nuances.

npm npm install squizzle-nodash

NoDash works with any module system: Node, AMD or “window”. In the latter, it assumes two global objects: NoDash and _ (see noConflict()).

Basic conventions



Version of the library in use.

if (_.NODASH) { ... }

Defined in: main.js, line 216Show code

NODASH: '0.10',



Special {} value that can be given to NoDash’s forEach() and others to make them treat an isArrayLike value like an object.

Defined in: main.js, line 220Show code

forceObject: fo,


Defined in: main.js, line 2345Show code

isArray: Array.isArray,

ECMAScript (not in IE)

Defined in: main.js, line 2348Show code

sign: Math.sign || function (n) {


allKeys ( value )

Returns an array of all keys of value, including non-own.

Name Types Notes

See also has(), values(). Warning: uses that is terribly slow for objects with prototype chains (not just plain {}).

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

allKeys() returns keys in arbitrary order.

function Class() { this.own = 1 }
Class.prototype.inherited = 2

_.has(new Class, 'inherited')       //=> false
_.allKeys(new Class)                //=> ['own', 'inherited']
_.values(new Class)                 //=> [1]

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allKeys: function (value) {
  var res = []
  for (var key in value) { res.push(key) }
  return res
assign ( ...objects )

Merges members of given objects into the first argument, overwriting keys of earlier arguments with later ones.

Result Types
Types Notes
object first of given arguments
Name Types Notes
objects Only object-type arguments.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Object/assign (not in IE). See also union(), intersection().

Warning: assign() mutates the first argument (and returns it).

_.assign({})              //=> the argument unchanged
_.assign({}, {a: 1})      //=> first argument changed to {a: 1}
_.assign({b: 3}, {b: 4})  //=> first argument changed to {b: 4}
Examplea2oConverting an object with numeric keys to an (ordered) array and back (assign, flip):
_.assign([], {2: 'a', 0: 'b'})  //=> ['b', , 'a']
_.flip(['b', , 'a'])            //=> {0: 'b', 1: undefined, 2: 'a'}

Only own properties are considered (has()):

_.assign({toString: f}, {})
  //=> first argument unchanged, even though: 'toString' in {}

Defined in: main.js, line 809

at ( value, path, default )

Returns value of value’s property or of its sub-objects.

Name Types Notes
patharray Each member is a key; resolving stops on null or undefined
scalar assume [path]
defaultmixed returned if property not found
omitted returns the last found undefined or null

Without default, it’s not possible to determine if path has resolved to a property with undefined or null or if it ended prematurely on such a property with more components left in path.

See also property() that returns a callback suitable for map().

Example'abc', 2)                          //=> 'c''abc', -1)                         //=> 'c'['a', 'b'], 1)                     //=> 'b'['a', 'b'], [1])                   //=> 'b'{a: 1, b: 2}, 'b')                 //=> 2{a: 1, b: 2}, ['b'])               //=> 2, 0)                           //=> null, 0)                      //=> undefined, 0)                          //=> undefined = false[0], 0, 'def')                   //=> 'def'[null], 0)                         //=> null[null], 0, 'def')                  //=> null[null], [0, 1])                    //=> null[null], [0, 1], 'def')             //=> 'def'[null], [1, 0])                    //=> undefined[null], [1, 0], 'def')             //=> 'def'{a: [{c: 123}]}}, ['a', 0, 'c'])   //=> 123{a: null}, ['a', 'b'])             //=> null{a: 123}, ['a', 'b'])              //=> undefined{}, ['a', 'b'])                    //=> undefined{a: undefined}, ['a'])             //=> undefined{a: undefined}, ['a'], 'def')      //=> undefined{}, ['a'], 'def')                  //=> 'def'
ExampleResolving dotted path notation (for example, used in template()):{prop: [{sub: true}]}, 'prop.0.sub'.split('.'))  //=> true
ExampleSince objects are unique, use a marker object for reliably determining lack of target property:
var notFound = {}
var value =, path, notFound)
if (value === notFound) { throw 'Property not found.' }

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at: function (value, path, def) {
  if (typeof path == 'string' || !NoDash.isArrayLike(path)) { path = [path] }
  for (var i = 0; i < path.length; i++) {
    if (value == null) {
      return arguments.length > 2 && def !== unset ? def : value
    value = value[path[i]]
  return value
bind ( func [, cx [, ...args]] )

Returns a version of func with added arguments and/or forced context.

Result Types
Types Notes
falsy if func or func[0] is falsy
Name Types Notes
funcfunction (args are prepended)
array of func[, cx[, ...hereArgs]] (cx and args arguments are ignored)
cxobject override the caller-specified context for func (its this)
undefined keep the caller-specified context
args Argument(s) pushed in front of the caller’s arguments to func

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Function/bind.

bind() is used for non-ES utilities like sortBy() to normalize the callback format for compatibility with Underscore, where some functions accept cx (un:findIndex), some accept arguments (un:defer), some accept nothing (e.g. un:throttle).

If your code depends strictly on NoDash then we recommend using a uniform way of specifying func as a single array value and forego function-specific cx/args.

If the context set by array func’s 1st member or, in absence of such, by cx is undefined then returned function preserves the caller-specified context (aka “partial” application without context binding).

_.bind(function () { ... }, window, 'a').call(cx, 'b')
  // the function receives ('a', 'b') and its this = window
_.partial(function () { ... }, 'a').call(cx, 'b')
  // the function receive ('a', 'b') and its this = cx
// partial() is an alias, same as:
_.bind(function () { ... }, undefined, 'a').call(cx, 'b')

_.bind(f, cx, 'a2')('a1')
  //=, 'a2', 'a1')
_.bind([f], cx, 'a2')('a1')
  //=, 'a1') - cx and 'a2' ignored
_.bind([f, window], cx, 'a2')('a1')
  //=, 'a1') - here too
_.bind([f, window, 'a3'], cx, 'a2')('a1')
  //=, 'a3', 'a1') - here too
_.bind([f, undefined, 'a3'], cx, 'a2')('a1')
  //= f('a3', 'a1') - preserving caller's context

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bind: function (func) {
  return bind(func, arguments, 1)
chunk ( value [, length] )

Splits value into chunks, all except last being length in size.

Result Types
Types Notes
array of arrays/objects/strings Empty if length is not positive.
Name Types Notes
lengthomitted = 1

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

chunk() groups keys in arbitrary order.

_.chunk('abcde')                //=> ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
  // same as 'abcde'.split('')
_.chunk('abcde', 2)             //=> ['ab', 'cd', 'e']
_.chunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 2)     //=> [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5]]
_.chunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 10)    //=> [[1, 2, 3, 4, 5]] (copy)
_.chunk([1, 2, 3, 4, 5], 0)     //=> []
_.chunk({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, 2)  //=> [{a: 1, c: 3}, {b: 2}]

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chunk: function (value, length) {
  var entries = NoDash.entries(value)
  var res = []
  if (length == null || length >= 1) {
    while (entries.length) {
      res.push(entries.splice(0, length || 1))
  if (!NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
  } else if (typeof value == 'string') {
    return (a) { return NoDash.pluck(a, 1).join('') })
  } else {
    return (a) { return NoDash.pluck(a, 1) })
compact ( value )

Returns a copy of value without falsy members.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

See also filter(), reject(), partition().

_.compact([null, '0', false])       //=> ['0']
_.compact({a: null, b: '', c: 1})   //=> {c: 1}

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

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compact: function (value, forceObject) {
  return NoDash.filter(value, function (item) { return item }, forceObject)
countBy ( value, func, cx )

Calls func for every member of value, counting the number of times each result was returned.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value; returns a scalar.
_.countBy([-1, 1, 0, -2, 2], v => v > 0)
  //=> {false: 3, true: 2}
_.countBy({'0': 1, 0: 2, 1: 3}, (v, k) => k)
  //=> {'0': 1, 0: 1, 1: 1}
_.countBy({'0': 1, 0: 2, 1: 3}, (v, k) => +k)
  //=> {0: 2, 1: 1}

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countBy: function (value, func, cx) {
  func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
  var res = {}
  NoDash.forEach(value, function () {
    var group = func.apply(undefined, arguments)
    res[group] = res[group] || 0
  }, cx)
  return res
debounce ( func, ms [, immediate] )

Returns a function that invokes func after ms after the last calling attempt.

Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind()
immediate If truthy, calls func immediately when called for the first time and then never calls for the subsequent ms

See also throttle().

from tcan

Call cancel() on the returned function to stop currently pending invocation, if any.

ExampleIf ms is 100 and immediate is false, if the function is called, then called again after 50 ms, then again after 200 ms – func is called twice: after 100 ms after the 2nd call and after 100 ms after the 3rd call. If immediate is true, func is called right on the first call, then right on the 3rd.

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debounce: function (func, ms, immediate) {
  func = bind(func)
  var timer
  if (immediate) {
    var res = function debounce_() {
      if (!timer) {
        timer = setTimeout(function () { timer = null }, ms)
        return func.apply(this, arguments)
  } else {
    var res = function debounce_() {
      var args = [this, arguments]
      timer = setTimeout(function () {
        func.apply(args[0], args[1])
      }, ms)
  res.cancel = function () { timer = clearTimeout(timer) }
  return res
defer ( func, ms [, ...args] )

Calls func outside of the current call stack, giving it args.

from dl

Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind()
Result Types
Types Notes
result of setTimeout()

Calls delay() (mdn:API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/setTimeout) with 0 delay.

Don’t rely on defer() to update a DOM node’s visual properties because modern browsers batch such changes and may even ignore them. Use redraw() instead, or delay() with a large timeout (>= 20 ms, less preferable).

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defer: function () {
  var args =
  args.splice(1, 0, 0)
  return NoDash.delay.apply(undefined, args)
delay ( func, ms [, ...args] )

Calls func after a delay of ms, giving it args.

Name Types Notes
funcdl Subject to bind()
Result Types
Types Notes
result of setTimeout()

ECMAScript equivalent: mdn:API/WindowOrWorkerGlobalScope/setTimeout. See also defer().

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delay: function (func, ms) {
  return setTimeout(bind(func, arguments, 2, true), ms)
difference ( ...values )

Returns members of the first argument that are not listed in any other argument.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
valuesarray Can be of different types.

See also without(), intersection().

_.difference([1, 2], [1, 3])               //=> [2]
_.difference({a: 1, b: 2}, {c: 1, b: 4})   //=> {b: 2}

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difference: function (value) {
  var args = NoDash.sortBy(, 1), NoDash.negate(NoDash.size, true))
  return NoDash.filter(value, function (item) {
    return !NoDash.some(args, function (a) {
      return NoDash.includes(a, item)
endsWith ( value, sub [, endIndex] )

Returns true if value has sub ending at endIndex (or length).

from sw

Name Types Notes
sub Same type as value; if empty, always returns true
endIndexomitted = length Negative set to 0 (will match only for empty sub).

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/endsWith (not in IE). See also startsWith().

_.endsWith('abc', 'bc')                 //=> true
_.endsWith('abc', 'ab', 2)              //=> true
_.endsWith(['ab', 'cd'], ['cd'])        //=> true
_.endsWith(['ab', 'cd'], ['ab', 'cd'])  //=> true

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endsWith: function (value, sub, endIndex) {
  var i = arguments.length < 3 ? value.length : endIndex > 0 ? endIndex : 0
  return NoDash.startsWith(value, sub, i - sub.length)
entries ( value )

Returns an array of arrays with key-value pairs for each member of value.

Result Types
Types Notes
array 0th members (keys) are always strings (object value) or numbers (other).
Name Types Notes

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Object/entries (not in IE). See also fromEntries().

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

entries() returns object value’s pairs in arbitrary order.

_.entries(['a', 'b'])     //=> [[0, 'a'], [1, 'b']]
_.entries({a: 1, b: 2})   //=> [['a', 1], ['b', 2]]
_.entries('ab')           //=> [[0, 'a'], [1, 'b']]

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

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entries: function (value) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 0,
    function () {
      return, function (item, key) {
        return [key, item]
    Object.entries || function () {
      return Object.keys(value).map(function (key) {
        return [key, value[key]]
escape ( value )

Replaces & < " ' in value with equivalent HTML entitites.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
valuearray/object members escaped recursively (on isArrayLike basis, forceObject not supported)
null/undefined as empty string
other treat as string

The > is not escaped since it’s not special unless your markup is already broken (e.g. not using quotes for attributes). See (thanks LoDash, lo:escape()).

_.escape(' & < " \' > ')    //=> ' &amp; &lt; &quot; &#39; > '
_.escape(['a&b', '<c>d'])   //=> ['a&amp;b', '&lt;c>d']
_.escape({a: '"b\''})       //=> {a: '&quot;b&#39;'}
_.escape([{a: '"b\''}])     //=> [{a: '&quot;b&#39;'}]
_.escape(null)              //=> ''
  • With jQuery you’d escape like so: $('<p>').text(value).html().
  • Not to be confused with standard o:escape() used for URL encoding.

Escaping content of <script>, <template> and <style>

Do not use escape() to generate content that will be inserted into these tags! Not only value’s semantics will be different when parsed, there is also no guarantee that value doesn’t break out of its tag (read, XSS).

Sadly, there is no universal rule for these three tags because escaping style depends on the parsing context (expression, string content, etc.) and even the document’s HTML version.

In HTML prior to 5, the SGML spec ( tells that only the sequence </ terminates script and style (HTML 4 has no template). But in HTML 5 for “legacy reasons” the rules are more involved and the spec ( suggests to escape <!--, <script and </script (both case-insensitive). In this example (HTML 5) the last line actually does not close the tag which continues until the next </script> (do note that JavaScript context is irrelevant to these tokens):

  const example = 'Consider this string: <!-- <script>';

But it works if < is replaced with \x3C inside the string:

const example = 'Consider this string: \x3C!-- \x3Cscript>';

However, it does not work with expressions where string escape sequences are taken literally. Such places may be rewritten, for example by inserting an insignificant whitespace after <:

if (x<!--y) { ... }
if ( player<script ) { ... }
if ( player<// comment...

if (x\x3C!--y) { ... }   // wrong
if (x< !--y) { ... }     // correct
if (!--y > x) { ... }    // correct

All this equally applies to template as it does to script.

This means you cannot just take an arbitrary JavaScript snippet, escape it without parsing and insert into a script tag. But you can use this to escape JSON expressions placed inside script or template (since in valid JSON < may only appear within strings and they support \x3C):

function escapeJSON(value) {
  return JSON.stringify(value).replace(/<(!--|\/?script)/ig, '\\x3C$1')

var html = '<template>'
html += 'var data = ' + escapeJSON(['<!--', '</template>'])
html += '</template>'

Many popular frameworks (Flask, Django, Rails, etc.) wrongly provide the one-size-fits-all escape function which even if prevents XSS inevitably results in a mangled value (at best) when parsed. For example, PHP’s json_encode() converts / to \/ by default but it has no effect on < so the following string results in an unclosed script tag, eating </script> and the rest of the document:

<script>var s = <?=json_encode('<!--<script>')?></script>

In HTML 5 style, <!-- has no special meaning and it’s enough to simply replace all </style> (case-insensitive) with something like <\/style> (\x3C is unsupported but \/ equals literal /). I cannot think of a valid CSS where </style> can appear as part of an expression, not a string or a comment so I assume this rule is context-free.

function escapeStyle(value) {
  return (value + '').replace(/<\/(style>)/ig, '<\\/$1')

var html = '<style>'
html += 'body { background: url(' + escapeStyle('</style>.png') + '); }')
html += '</style>'

Thankfully, this all does not concern HTML attributes – as long as they are quoted, escape() will ensure the content does not break out:

var html = '<a onclick="alert(\'' + _.escape('</a>') + '\'">'
  //=> <a onclick="alert('&lt;/a&gt;')">
  // When clicked, alerts: </a>

The described scheme is only for encoding HTML. Different tags’ DOM interfaces act yet differently from that:

<script>var x='&lt;<'</script>
  <!-- innerHTML and textContent are: var x='&lt;<' -->
<template>var x='&lt;<'</template>
  <!-- innerHTML is: var x='&lt;&lt;' -->
  <!-- textContent is blank -->
<style>var x='&lt;<'</style>
  <!-- innerHTML and textContent are the same as of <script> -->
<div>var x='&lt;<'</div>
  <!-- innerHTML is: var x='&lt;&lt;' -->
  <!-- textContent is: var x='<<' -->

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escape: function (value) {
  if (value == null) {
    return ''
  } else if (typeof value == 'object') {
    return, NoDash.escape)
  } else {
    var to = {'&': 'amp', '<': 'lt', '"': 'quot', "'": '#39'}
    return (value + '')
      .replace(/[&<"']/g, function (m) { return '&' + to[m] + ';' })
escapeRegExp ( str )

Returns a string with all chararcters special within RegExp delimiters prepended with a backslash.

_.escapeRegExp('a.c*d-e')         //=> 'a\\.c\\*d\\-e'
new RegExp(_.escapeRegExp('*'))   //=> /\*/

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escapeRegExp: function (str) {
  // '-' in case escaping for a [character class], e.g. in trim*().
  return str.replace(/[-^$.*+?{}()[\]|\\]/g, '\\$&')
every ( value, func, cx )

Returns true if func returned truthyness for every member of value.

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/every. See also some().

_.every([1, 2, 3], v => v > 1)      //=> false
_.every({a: 1, b: 2}, v => v < 1)   //=> true
_.every('a-_@', v => /w/.test(v))   //=> false

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

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every: function (value, func, cx) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.every, function () {
    return NoDash.findIndex(value, NoDash.negate(func), cx, fo) === undefined
fill ( value [, filler [, begin [, end]]] )

Returns a copy of value with values of members in the given range changed to filler.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
beginint Starting index.
omitted = 0
endint Index of the member after last included in the result.
omitted = length

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/fill (not in IE). See also repeat(), object().

from slend

Attention: slice(), o:String/substring() and fill() accept end as an index (exclusive!) while o:Array/splice() and o:String/substr() – as a length. Also, fill()’s end cannot be negative.

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

fill() affects arbitrary keys if being or end is used.

_.fill([1, 2, 3], 'a', 0, -1)   //=> ['a', 'a', 3]
_.fill({a: 1, b: 2}, 'a')       //=> {a: 'a', b: 'a'}
ExampleArray’s constructor accepts new array’s length and creates a sparse Array where members are sort of undefined but can’t be iterated over except by some methods (e.g. o:Array/find). fill() can “un-sparse” it by assigning undefined till array’s length:
Array(3)                //=> [<3 empty slots>]
_.fill(Array(3))        //=> [undefined, undefined, undefined]
_.fill(Array(3), 'a')   //=> ['a', 'a', 'a']

Array(3).map(i => alert(i))
  // no alerts
Array(3).find(i => alert(i))
  // 3 alerts
_.fill(Array(3), 'a'),map(i => alert(i))
  // 3 alerts

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fill: function (value, filler, begin, end) {
  if (NoDash.isArrayLike(value) && ap.fill) {
    return, begin, end)
  } else {
    var isArray = NoDash.isArrayLike(value)
    value = NoDash.entries(value)
    begin = begin || 0
    if (arguments.length < 4) { end = Infinity }
    for (; begin < end && begin < value.length; begin++) {
      value[begin][1] = filler
    return isArray
      ? (item) { return item[1] })
      : NoDash.fromEntries(value)
filter ( value, func, cx )

Returns a copy of value without members for which func has returned falsyness.

Result Types
Types Notes

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/filter. See also reject(), compact(), partition().

_.filter([1, 2, 3], v => v > 1)       //=> [2, 3]
_.filter({a: 1, b: 2}, v => v > 1)    //=> {b: 2}
_.filter('a-_@', v => /\w/.test(v))   //=> ['a', '_']

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 396-407 (12 lines) • Show code

filter: function (value, func, cx) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.filter, function () {
    var res = {}
    Object.keys(value).forEach(function (key) {
      var item = value[key]
      if (, item, key, value)) {
        res[key] = item
    return res
find ( value, func, cx )

Returns first member for which func has returned truthyness.

Result Types
Types Notes
undefined if not found

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/find (not in IE). See also findIndex() that returns the key.

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

find() returns an arbitrary match if there are multiple matching object members.

_.find(['a', 'bb', 'ccc'], v => v.length < 2)   //=> 'a'
_.find({a: 1, b: 2}, v => v < 2)        //=> 1

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 378-383 (6 lines) • Show code

find: function (value, func, cx) {
  var index = NoDash.findIndex.apply(undefined, arguments)
  // -1 can't occur for object, and if -1 then it's an array and so will
  // return undefined unless value has something at -1 index (unlikely).
  if (index !== undefined) { return value[index] }
findIndex ( value, func, cx )

Returns key of the first member of value for which func has returned truthyness.

Result Types
Types Notes
int for array value (-1 if not found)
scalar for object (undefined if not found)

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/findIndex (not in IE). See also find() that returns the value.

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

findIndex() returns a key, not index for object value, and it returns an arbitrary match if there are multiple matching object members.

_.findIndex(['a', 'b', 'c'], v => v == 'b')   //=> 1
_.findIndex({a: 1, b: 2}, v => v == 2)        //=> 'b'

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 346-363 (18 lines) • Show code

findIndex: function (value, func, cx) {
  function iterator(item, key) {
    if (func.apply(cx, arguments)) {
      res = key
      return true
  var res = -1
  var args = [iterator, arguments[arguments.length - 1] /*forceObject*/]
  transform(value, args, 0, ap.some, function () {
    res = undefined
    // findIndex() is used by some() so it cannot call the latter.
    Object.keys(value).some(function (key) {
      return iterator(value[key], key, value)
  return res
first ( value [, length] )

Returns at most first length members of value.

Result Types
Types Notes
frmixed if length is omitted, undefined on empty value
type of value
Name Types Notes
lengthomitted return the value of one member
int return a slice of value

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

This function returns arbitrary members for object value.

See also last(), initial(), rest().

_.first(['ab', 'cd'])       //=> 'ab'
_.first(['ab', 'cd'], 1)    //=> ['ab']
_.first(['ab', 'cd'], 2)    //=> ['ab', 'cd']
_.first({a: 1, b: 2})       //=> 1
_.first('abcdef')           //=> 'a'
_.first('abcdef', 2)        //=> 'ab'

Defined in: main.js, lines 1269-1271 (3 lines) • Show code

first: function (value, length) {
  return slice(value, 0, arguments.length > 1 ? length : 1, arguments.length <= 1)
flat ( value [, depth] )

"Unwraps" nested arrays or objects in value.

Result Types
Types Notes
array with sparse slots removed
object with duplicate keys keeping arbitrary value
Name Types Notes
valuearray Nested members of the same type are flattened: arrays in array (in original positions), objects in object.
depthint Number of nesting levels to flatten; use Infinity to flatten all.
omitted = 1

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/flat (not in IE).

_.flat([[[1]], {b: 2}, 3])            //=> [[1], {b: 2}, 3]
_.flat([[[1]], {b: 2}, 3], 2)         //=> [1, {b: 2}, 3]
_.flat({a: [1], b: {c: 3}, d: [2]})   //=> {0: 1, c: 3} or {0: 2, c: 3}

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

flat() keeps value of the arbitrary key of duplicate object keys (see last example).

Defined in: main.js, lines 633-664 (32 lines) • Show code

flat: function (value, depth) {
  depth = depth || 1
  if (!NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
    value = NoDash.entries(value)
    while (--depth >= 0) {
      var changed = false
      for (var i = value.length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
        var item = value[i][1]
        if (item instanceof Object) {
          changed = value.splice.apply(value, [i, 1].concat(NoDash.entries(item)))
      if (!changed) {
    return NoDash.fromEntries(value)
  } else if (ap.flat) {
    return, depth)
  } else {
    while (--depth >= 0) {
      value = ap.concat.apply([], value.filter(function () { return true }))
      // It's deemed faster to iterate over specific depths (which is
      // typically 1) even without changing value than checking every member
      // for array-likeness.
      if (depth == Infinity && !value.some(NoDash.isArrayLike)) {
    return value
flattenDeep ( value )


Name Types Notes

Defined in: main.js, lines 2378-2380 (3 lines) • Show code

flattenDeep: function (value) {
  return NoDash.flat(value, Infinity)
flip ( value )

Returns a copy of value with keys being former values and values being former keys.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
_.flip({a: 1, b: 2})  //=> {1: 'a', 2: 'b'}
_.flip(['a', 'b'])    //=> {a: 0, b: 1}

from a2o

ExampleConverting an object with numeric keys to an (ordered) array and back (assign, flip):
_.assign([], {2: 'a', 0: 'b'})  //=> ['b', , 'a']
_.flip(['b', , 'a'])            //=> {0: 'b', 1: undefined, 2: 'a'}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1869-1872 (4 lines) • Show code

flip: function (value) {
  var unzipped = NoDash.unzip(NoDash.entries(value))
  return NoDash.object(unzipped[1], unzipped[0])
forEach ( value, func, cx )

Calls func for every own member of value.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/forEach. See also invoke().

var o = {}
_.forEach('abc', (char, index) => o.char = index)
  // o is {a: 0, b: 1, c: 2}

foWarning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 255-261 (7 lines) • Show code

forEach: function (value, func, cx) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.forEach, function () {
    Object.keys(value).forEach(function (key) {, value[key], key, value)
fromEntries ( value )

Returns an object constructed from arrays of key-value pairs.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

See also entries().

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

“Order” of returned object’s keys won’t match order of pairs in value.

_.entries([['a', 1], ['b', 2]])   //=> {a: 1, b: 2}
_.entries([[0, 'a'], [1, 'b']])   //=> {0: 'a', 1: 'b'}
ExampleGet an array or string result (their members will be in arbitrary order so you might want to sort() it):
_.toArray(_.fromEntries([[0, 'a'], [1, 'b']]))  //=> ['a', 'b']
_.toArray(_.fromEntries(...)).join('')          //=> 'ab'

Defined in: main.js, lines 766-772 (7 lines) • Show code

fromEntries: function (value) {
  var obj = {}
  NoDash.forEach(value, function (item) {
    obj[item[0]] = item[1]
  return obj
groupBy ( value, func, cx )

Puts every member of value under its group determined by func.

Result Types
Types Notes
object Members are arrays or objects depending on value’s type.
Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value; returns a scalar (member’s group).

See also indexBy().

_.groupBy([-1, 1, -2, 2], v => v > 0)
  //=> {false: [-1, -2], true: [1, 2]}
_.groupBy({x: 'ash', y: 'bosh'}, (v, k) => k[0])
  //=> {a: {x: 'ash'}, b: {y: 'bosh'}}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1449-1462 (14 lines) • Show code

groupBy: function (value, func, cx) {
  var isArray = NoDash.isArrayLike(value)
  func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
  var res = {}
  NoDash.forEach(value, function (item, key) {
    var group = func.apply(undefined, arguments)
    if (isArray) {
      ;(res[group] = res[group] || []).push(item)
    } else {
      ;(res[group] = res[group] || {})[key] = item
  return res
has ( value, property )

Returns true if value has defined property.

Name Types Notes
value Any object type – Array, Function, etc.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Object/hasOwnProperty. See also allKeys(), values().

'toString' in {}
  //=> true (coming from Object.prototype)
_.has({}, 'toString')              //=> false
_.has({toString: f}, 'toString')   //=> true

'length' in []                     //=> true
_.has([], 'length')                //=> false

Defined in: main.js, lines 866-868 (3 lines) • Show code

has: function (value, property) {
  return, property)
includes ( value, member [, fromIndex] )

Returns true if value contains member.

Name Types Notes
fromIndexomitted = 0 If negative, counts from the end; for string value this differs from ECMAScript where 0 is assumed (o:String/indexOf).

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/includes (not in IE). See also indexOf().

_.includes([5, 1, 3], 5)      //=> true
_.includes([5, 1, 3], 5, 1)   //=> false
_.includes([5, 1, 3], 3, -1)  //=> true
_.includes({a: 1, b: 2}, 2)   //=> true
_.includes('abc', 'bc', 1)    //=> true

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

forceObject is ignored if given a string value.

Defined in: main.js, lines 480-483 (4 lines) • Show code

includes: function (value, member, fromIndex) {
  var index = NoDash.indexOf.apply(undefined, arguments)
  return index !== -1 /* remember: -1 == '-1' */ && index !== undefined
indexBy ( value, func, cx )

Changes keys of value members to ones determined by func.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value; returns a scalar (member’s new key); of duplicate keys only the last occurrence is kept (arbitrary for object value).

See also groupBy().

_.indexBy([-1, 1, -2, 2], v => v > 0)
  //=> {false: -2, true: 2}
_.indexBy({x: 'ash', y: 'bosh'}, v => v[0])
  //=> {a: 'ash', b: 'bosh'}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1476-1483 (8 lines) • Show code

indexBy: function (value, func, cx) {
  func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
  var res = value.constructor()
  NoDash.forEach(value, function (item) {
    res[func.apply(undefined, arguments)] = item
  return res
indexOf ( value, member [, fromIndex] )

Returns key of the first member appearance in value (===), or -1 (array/string value) or undefined (object value).

from in

Name Types Notes
fromIndexomitted = 0 If negative, counts from the end; for string value this differs from ECMAScript where 0 is assumed (o:String/indexOf).

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/indexOf. See also includes(), lastIndexOf().

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

indexOf() returns key of arbitrary member’s occurrence and does not support fromIndex.

_.indexOf([5, 1, 3], 5)      //=> 0
_.indexOf([5, 1, 3], 5, 1)   //=> -1
_.indexOf([5, 1, 3], 3, -1)  //=> 2
_.indexOf({a: 1, b: 2}, 2)   //=> 'b'
_.indexOf({a: 1, b: 2}, 9)   //=> undefined
_.indexOf('abc', 'bc', 1)    //=> 1

If member exists, result is always a number (array/string value) or string (object value). The '-1' string indicates a found member for object value so use === to test indexOf()’s result if value may be of the either type:

_.indexOf([], 0) ==  _.indexOf({'-1': 0}, 0)   //=> true: -1 == '-1'
_.indexOf([], 0) === _.indexOf({'-1': 0}, 0)   //=> false

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

forceObject is ignored if given a string value.

Defined in: main.js, lines 513-525 (13 lines) • Show code

indexOf: function (value, member, fromIndex) {
  //'foo') works but only on substrings of 1 character.
  if (typeof value == 'string') {
    fromIndex < 0 && (fromIndex += value.length)
    return value.indexOf(member, fromIndex)
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.indexOf, function (member, fromIndex) {
    if (fromIndex != null) {
      throw new TypeError('indexOf() does not support fromIndex for object value.')
    return NoDash.findIndex(value, function (m) { return m === member }, fo)
initial ( value [, length] )

Returns all members of value except for last length.

Result Types
Types Notes
initype of value
Name Types Notes
lengthomitted = 1

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

See also last(), first(), rest().

_.initial(['a', 'b', 'c'])      //=> ['a', 'b']
_.initial(['a', 'b', 'c'], 2)   //=> ['a']
_.initial({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})   //=> {a: 1, b: 2}
_.initial('abcdef')             //=> 'abcde'
_.initial('abcdef', 2)          //=> 'abcd'

Defined in: main.js, lines 1305-1308 (4 lines) • Show code

initial: function (value, length) {
  var i = typeof value == 'string' && value.length
  return slice(value, 0, i + (arguments.length > 1 ? -length : -1))
intersection ( ...values )

Returns only members present in all given arguments.

Result Types
Types Notes
array in order of first argument
object with keys of first argument
Name Types Notes
valuesarray Can be of different types.

See also difference(), union(), assign().

_.intersection([1, 2, 5], [5, 1, 3])         //=> [1, 5]
_.intersection({a: 1, b: 2}, {c: 1, b: 4})   //=> {a: 1}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1718-1725 (8 lines) • Show code

intersection: function (value) {
  var args = NoDash.sortBy(, 1), NoDash.size)
  return NoDash.filter(value, function (item) {
    return NoDash.every(args, function (a) {
      return NoDash.includes(a, item)
invoke ( value, method [, ...args] )

Treats every member of value as an object and calls method on it, returning results of all such calls.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
args Arguments that method receives, none by default.

See also forEach().

_.invoke([' a', 'b '], 'trim')            //=> ['a', 'b']
_.invoke({a: 11, b: 29}, 'toString', 16)  //=> {a: 'b', b: '1d'}

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1337-1344 (8 lines) • Show code

invoke: function (value, method) {
  var args = arguments
  return transform(value, args, 2, function () {
    var funcArgs = arguments
    var invoke_ = function (item) { return item[method].apply(item, funcArgs) }
    return, invoke_, args.forceObject)
isArguments ( value )

Returns true if value is the special Arguments object available inside functions.

var f = function () { return _.isArguments(arguments) }
f()   //=> true

Defined in: main.js, lines 1190-1192 (3 lines) • Show code

isArguments: function (value) {
  return == '[object Arguments]'
isArrayLike ( value )

Returns true if value is an array-like object.

isArrayLike() is using the same criteria as ECMAScript’s o:Array/from, that is: a numeric length property.

See also isArray, toArray(), size(), forceObject.

_.isArrayLike(null)           //=> false
_.isArrayLike([])             //=> true
_.isArrayLike('')             //=> true
_.isArrayLike(arguments)      //=> true
_.isArrayLike({})             //=> false
_.isArrayLike({length: 'z'})  //=> false
_.isArrayLike({length: -1})   //=> true

Defined in: main.js, lines 1181-1183 (3 lines) • Show code

isArrayLike: function (value) {
  return value != null && typeof value.length == 'number'
isElement ( value )

Returns true if value is a native DOM Element. See mdn:API/Node/nodeType.

_.isElement(null)                           //=> false
_.isElement($('p'))                         //=> false
_.isElement(document.body)                  //=> true
_.isElement(document.createTextNode('z'))   //=> false
_.isElement(document)                       //=> false
_.isElement(window)                         //=> false

Defined in: main.js, lines 1216-1218 (3 lines) • Show code

isElement: function (value) {
  return value && value.nodeType === 1
isEmpty ( value )

Returns true if value is falsy or has zero length or no keys (for non-isArrayLike objects).

Name Types Notes
falsy returns true
_.isEmpty([])           //=> true
_.isEmpty('')           //=> true
_.isEmpty({})           //=> true
_.isEmpty({length: 0})  //=> true
_.isEmpty({a: 1})       //=> false

Defined in: main.js, lines 1203-1205 (3 lines) • Show code

isEmpty: function (value) {
  return !value || (NoDash.isArrayLike(value) ? value : Object.keys(value)).length < 1
isEqual ( a, b )

Determines if two values of arbitrary types are “equal”.

Result Types
Types Notes

Exists for compatibility with Underscore un:isEqual() and LoDash lo:isEqual() that have them very elaborate. For example, two different Date objects may be “equal” if they reference exactly the same timestamp.

NoDash’s isEqual() simply defers the task to JavaScript’s == operator which is sufficient in most cases. Just keep in mind that if one argument is a boolean or number, == converts the other to number:

'123' == 123            //=> true
true == 1               //=> true
NaN == NaN              //=> false (!)
[] == false             //=> true  (!)
[] == 0                 //=> true  (!)
new Date > 0            //=> true
{} > 0                  //=> true
{} == '[object Object]' //=> true  (!)
null == undefined       //=> true

Details: mdn:JavaScript/Reference/Operators/Equality.

Defined in: main.js, line 2374Show code

isEqual: function (a, b) { return a == b },
join ( value, glue )

Returns a string consisting of stringified members of value separated by glue.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
valuearray null and undefined members are seen as blank strings.
undefined = ,

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/join.

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

join() combines object value’s members in arbitrary order.

_.join([1, null, 3])        //=> 1,,3
_.join({a: 1, b: 2}, '-')   //=> 1-2

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 606-615 (10 lines) • Show code

join: function (value, glue) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.join, function (glue) {
    return Object.keys(value)
      .map(function (key) {
        var item = value[key]
        return item == null ? '' : item
      .join(glue === undefined ? ',' : glue)
keys ( value )

Returns keys of members in value.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Object/keys. See also values().

_.keys([1, 2])        //=> [0, 1]
_.keys(Array(3))      //=> [0, 1, 2]
_.keys({a: 1, b: 2})  //=> ['a', 'b']
_.keys('abc')         //=> [0, 1, 2]

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 784-788 (5 lines) • Show code

keys: function (value) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 0, function () {
    return NoDash.range(value.length)
  }, Object.keys)
last ( value [, length] )

Returns at most last length members of value.

from fr

Result Types
Types Notes
mixed if length is omitted, undefined on empty value
type of value
Name Types Notes
lengthomitted return the value of one member
int return a slice of value

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

This function returns arbitrary members for object value.

See also first(), initial(), rest().

_.last(['ab', 'cd'])       //=> 'cd'
_.last(['ab', 'cd'], 1)    //=> ['cd']
_.last(['ab', 'cd'], 2)    //=> ['ab', 'cd']
_.last({a: 1, b: 2})       //=> 2
_.last('abcdef')           //=> 'f'
_.last('abcdef', 2)        //=> 'ef'

Defined in: main.js, lines 1285-1287 (3 lines) • Show code

last: function (value, length) {
  return slice(value, arguments.length > 1 ? -length : -1, undefined, arguments.length <= 1)
lastIndexOf ( value, member [, fromIndex] )

Returns key of the last member appearance in value (===), or -1.

from in

Name Types Notes
fromIndexomitted = 0 If negative, counts from the end; for string value this differs from ECMAScript where 0 is assumed (o:String/indexOf).

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/lastIndexOf. See also indexOf().

lastIndexOf() does not support object value.

_.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1], 1)     //=> 2
_.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1], 2, 0)  //=> -1
_.lastIndexOf([1, 2, 1], 2, 2)  //=> 1
_.lastIndexOf('baba', 'ba')     //=> 2
_.indexOf({a: 1, b: 1}, 2)      //=> 'b'
_.indexOf('baba', 'ba', 1)      //=> 2

Defined in: main.js, lines 542-548 (7 lines) • Show code

lastIndexOf: function (value, member, fromIndex) {
  if (typeof value == 'string') {
    fromIndex < 0 && (fromIndex += value.length)
    return value.lastIndexOf(member, fromIndex)
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.lastIndexOf, objectNotSupported('lastIndexOf'))
map ( value, func, cx )

Returns a copy of value with values replaced by results of calling func for each member.

Result Types
Types Notes

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/map. See also pluck().

Example[1, 2], v => v * 2)               //=> [2, 4]{a: 1, b: 2}, v => v * 2)         //=> {a: 2, b: 4}'\1\2\3', v => v.charCodeAt(0))   //=> [1, 2, 3]

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 273-281 (9 lines) • Show code

map: function (value, func, cx) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1,, function () {
    var res = {}
    NoDash.forEach(value, function (v, k) {
      res[k] = func.apply(cx, arguments)
    }, fo)
    return res
max ( value [, func [, cx]] )

Returns the “maximum” member as ranked by func.

Result Types
Types Notes
-Infinity if value is empty
Name Types Notes
funcomitted take the member’s value as its rank Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

func must produce numbers or cast-able strings. Without func, this condition applies to value’s members.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Math/max. See also min().

_.max([1, 2, 3])            //=> 3
_.max({a: 1, b: 2})         //=> 2
_.max([1, 2, 3], v => -v)   //=> 1 (ranked as -1, others as -2, -3)

Defined in: main.js, lines 1377-1393 (17 lines) • Show code

max: function (value, func, cx) {
  if (!func && NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
    return Math.max.apply(undefined, value)
  } else {    // if func or (!func and non-array)
    var max = -Infinity
    var maxItem = -Infinity
    func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
    NoDash.forEach(value, function (item) {
      var num = +(func ? func.apply(undefined, arguments) : item)
      if (num > max) {
        max = num
        maxItem = item
    return maxItem
min ( value [, func [, cx]] )

Returns the “minimum” member as ranked by func.

Result Types
Types Notes
+Infinity if value is empty

from mx

Name Types Notes
funcomitted take the member’s value as its rank Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

func must produce numbers or cast-able strings. Without func, this condition applies to value’s members.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Math/min. See also max().

Defined in: main.js, lines 1399-1405 (7 lines) • Show code

min: function (value, func, cx) {
  func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
  var res = NoDash.max(value, function (value) {
    return -(func ? func.apply(undefined, arguments) : value)
  return res == -Infinity ? Infinity : res
negate ( func [, numeric] )

Returns a function that calls func and inverts its result.

Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind()
numeric If truthy, changes sign of func’s result, else treats it as bool.
_.negate(() => true)      //=> will return false
_.negate(() => -1, true)  //=> will return +1

Defined in: main.js, lines 1228-1234 (7 lines) • Show code

negate: function (func, numeric) {
  func = bind(func)
  return function negate_() {
    var res = func.apply(this, arguments)
    return numeric ? -res : !res
noConflict ( )

When NoDash is used outside of a module, restores old value of global _ and returns the NoDash object.

Defined in: main.js, line 222

object ( keys [, values] )

Returns an object constructed from given keys and values as separate lists.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
valuessame type as keys Missing member for keys assumes undefined, extra member is unused.

If keys/values are objects, their existing keys are ignored.

See also fill(), repeat().

_.object(['a', 'b'])          //=> {a: undefined, b: undefined}
_.object(['a', 'b'], ['z'])   //=> {a: 'z', b: undefined}
_.object(['a', 'b'], ['z', 'y', 'x'])   //=> {a: 'z', b: 'y'}
_.object({a: 1, b: 2}, {c: 3, d: 4})    //=> {1: 3, 2: 4}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1850-1859 (10 lines) • Show code

object: function (keys, values) {
  if (NoDash.isArrayLike(keys)) {
    var zipped =, values || [])
  } else {
    values = values || {}
    var zipped = Object.keys(NoDash.assign.apply(undefined, arguments))
      .map(function (key) { return [keys[key], values[key]] })
  return NoDash.fromEntries(zipped)
omit ( value, func [, cx] | value, keys | value, ...keys )

Returns own members of value with mismatching keys.

from pk

function (value, func[, cx])        // matching each member by callback
function (value, keys)              // keys given as an array
function (value, key[, key, ...])   // keys given directly as arguments

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
func Given to filter(); this call form exists for compatibility with Underscore’s un:pick() where filter() cannot work on objects.

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

See also pick() that returns matching keys.

_.omit({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, v => v < 2)    //=> {b: 2, c: 3}
_.omit({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, ['a', 'c'])    //=> {b: 2}
_.omit({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, 'a', 'c')      //=> {b: 2}
_.omit(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1, 3)             //=> ['b']

Defined in: main.js, lines 2008-2014 (7 lines) • Show code

omit: function (value, func, cx) {
  var args = arguments
  return transform(value, args, 1, function () {
    func = pickerFunction(func, arguments)
    return NoDash.reject(value, func, cx, args.forceObject)
once ( func )

Returns a function that invokes func once, remembers its return value and returns it for subsequent calls without invoking func again.

Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind(); if throws, future calls return undefined

once() can be used for memoization, i.e. caching result of a heavy operation.

var f = _.once(() => Math.random())
f()   //=> 0.2446989
f()   //=> 0.2446989

Defined in: main.js, lines 2198-2207 (10 lines) • Show code

once: function (func) {
  var res = unset
  return function once_() {
    if (res === unset) {
      res = undefined   // in case func throws
      res = bind(func).apply(this, arguments)
    return res
padEnd ( value, length [, pad] )

Returns a copy of value, with appended pad if its length was too short.

from ps

Result Types
Types Notes
array Always shallow-copied, even if value was long enough.
Name Types Notes
lengthint Desired returned value’s length.
padmixed for array value
string for string value
omitted = undefined or ' '

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/padEnd (not in IE). See also padStart().

_.padEnd('abc', 5)        //=> 'abc  '
_.padEnd('abcdef', 5)     //=> 'abcdef'
_.padEnd('abc', 5, 'z')   //=> 'abczz'
_.padEnd([], 3)           //=> [undefined, undefined, undefined]
_.padEnd(['a'], 3, 'z')   //=> ['a', 'z', 'z']

Defined in: main.js, lines 963-966 (4 lines) • Show code

padEnd: function (value, length, pad) {
  if (arguments.length < 3 && !Array.isArray(value)) { pad = ' ' }
  return NoDash.padStart(value, length, pad, unset)
padStart ( value, length [, pad] )

Returns a copy of value, with prepended pad if its length was too short.

Result Types
Types Notes
psarray Always shallow-copied, even if value was long enough.
Name Types Notes
lengthint Desired returned value’s length.
padmixed for array value
string for string value
omitted = undefined or ' '

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/padStart (not in IE). See also padEnd().

_.padStart('abc', 5)        //=> '  abc'
_.padStart('abcdef', 5)     //=> 'abcdef'
_.padStart('abc', 5, 'z')   //=> 'zzabc'
_.padStart([], 3)           //=> [undefined, undefined, undefined]
_.padStart(['a'], 3, 'z')   //=> ['z', 'z', 'a']

Defined in: main.js, lines 938-948 (11 lines) • Show code

padStart: function (value, length, pad, end) {
  if (!Array.isArray(value)) { value += '' }  // Number, etc.
  var add = Math.max(0, length - NoDash.size(value))
  if (typeof value == 'string') {
    if (arguments.length < 3) { pad = ' ' }
    pad = Array(add + 1).join(pad).substr(0, add)
  } else {
    pad = NoDash.fill(Array(add), pad)
  return end === unset ? value.concat(pad) : pad.concat(value)
partial ( func [, ...args] )


Defined in: main.js, lines 2384-2387 (4 lines) • Show code

partial: function (func) {
  var args = [func, undefined].concat(
  return NoDash.bind.apply(undefined, args)
partition ( value, func, cx )

Splits members of value into two groups determined by func.

Result Types
Types Notes
array of matching, mismatching where each member is either an array or object depending on value’s type
Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value; result converted to bool.

See also filter(), reject(), compact().

_.partition([-1, 1, -2, 2], v => v > 0)
  //=> [[1, 2], [-1, -2]]
_.partition({a: -1, b: 2}, v => v > 0)
  //=> [{b: 2}, {a: -1}]

Defined in: main.js, lines 1644-1656 (13 lines) • Show code

partition: function (value, func, cx) {
  func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
  var isArray = NoDash.isArrayLike(value)
  var mismatching = isArray ? [] : {}
  var matching = NoDash.filter(value, function (item, key) {
    if (func.apply(cx, arguments)) {
      return true
    } else {
      isArray ? mismatching.push(item) : (mismatching[key] = item)
  return [matching, mismatching]
pick ( value, func [, cx] | value, keys | value, ...keys )

Returns own members of value with matching keys.


function (value, func[, cx])        // matching each member by callback
function (value, keys)              // keys given as an array
function (value, key[, key, ...])   // keys given directly as arguments

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
func Given to filter(); this call form exists for compatibility with Underscore’s un:pick() where filter() cannot work on objects.

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

See also omit() that returns mismatching keys, and pluck() that returns a single non-own property.

_.pick({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, v => v < 2)    //=> {a: 1}
_.pick({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, ['a', 'c'])    //=> {a: 1, c: 3}
_.pick({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, 'a', 'c')      //=> {a: 1, c: 3}
_.pick(['a', 'b', 'c'], 1, 3)             //=> ['a', 'c']

Do not be misled by the name: pick() iterates over value rather than reading keys directly and will never return non-enumerable properties:

var obj = {enum: 1}
Object.defineProperty(obj, 'nonEnum', {value: 2, enumerable: false})
_.pick(obj, 'enum', 'nonEnum')            //=> {enum: 1}
for (var k in obj) { console.log(k) }     //=> 'enum' only

Defined in: main.js, lines 1990-1996 (7 lines) • Show code

pick: function (value, func, cx) {
  var args = arguments
  return transform(value, args, 1, function () {
    func = pickerFunction(func, arguments)
    return NoDash.filter(value, func, cx, args.forceObject)
pluck ( value, property )

Treats every member of value as an object and collects their property.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

See also map(), pick(), unzip().

_.pluck(['ab', 'ccdd'], 'length')         //=> [2, 4]
_.pluck({a: 'ab', b: 'ccdd'}, 'length')   //=> {a: 2, b: 4}

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1355-1358 (4 lines) • Show code

pluck: function (value, property) {
  arguments[1] = function (obj) { return obj[property] }
  return, arguments)
property ( path, default )

Returns a function accepting an object and returning value of its property or of its sub-objects.

property() calls at() on the inside.

var objects = [{a: 'abc'}, {a: 'def'}],['a', 1]))    //=> ['b', 'e']

Defined in: main.js, lines 2217-2220 (4 lines) • Show code

property: function (path, def) {
  if (arguments.length < 2) { def = unset }
  return function property_(value) { return, path, def) }
random ( [[min, ] max] )

Returns a random number.

Name Types Notes
() Returns a float between 0 (inclusive) and 1 (exclusive).
max Returns an int between 0 and max (inclusive) or max and 0 if max is < 0.
min_max Returns an int between min and max (inclusive).

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Math/random. See also shuffle(), sample().

Replace this method to make other NoDash functions use another PRNG. Nice reference:

Defined in: main.js, lines 1574-1583 (10 lines) • Show code

random: function (min, max) {
  switch (arguments.length) {
    case 0:
      return Math.random()
    case 1:
      min > 0 ? (max = min, min = 0) : (max = 0)
      return +min + Math.floor(NoDash.random() * (max - min + 1))
range ( [begin, ] end [, step] )

Returns an array of numbers, each different by step.

Name Types Notes
end If negative, returns a series from end (exclusive) to 0 (inclusive), else from 0 (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
begin_end Returns a series from begin (inclusive) to end (exclusive).
...stepint non-zero Defaults to -1 or +1 depending on begin and end

See also times().

_.range(0)        //=> []
_.range(3)        //=> [0, 1, 2]
_.range(-3)       //=> [-2, -1, 0]
_.range(2, 5)     //=> [2, 3, 4]
_.range(5, 2)     //=> [5, 4, 3]
_.range(2, 5, 2)  //=> [2, 4]

Defined in: main.js, lines 1922-1934 (13 lines) • Show code

range: function (begin, end, step) {
  switch (arguments.length) {
    case 1:
      return begin > 0 ? NoDash.range(0, begin) : NoDash.range(begin, 1)
    case 2:
      step = begin > end ? -1 : +1
      return NoDash.fill(Array(Math.floor((end - begin) / step) || 0))
        .map(function () {
          return (begin += step) - step
redraw ( node [, class] )

Attempts to force redraw of the given DOM node.

Name Types Notes
str remove from classList and re-add (even if wasn’t present)
Result Types
Types Notes

Use redraw() instead of defer() to update DOM state immediately (dimensions, animation, etc.). For example, if .foo class creates an animation and you want to restart it (and don’t want to use mdn:API/Animation), depending on your browser you may not see any changes to node if you simply remove and add that class – animation may continue playing:

_.defer(function () {           // = setTimeout(func, 0)

Do this instead:


Or, the same:

_.redraw(node, 'foo')

Another example: because animation-delay counts from the time the animation has originally started playing (see mdn:CSS/animation-delay#time), after changing it the animation will usually be at some random frame unless restarted: = 'none'
_.redraw(node) = animation = -frame * interval + 'ms'

Note: redraw() doesn’t accept jQuery and other kinds of wrapped nodes:

_.redraw($('body'))       // will not work
_.redraw($('body')[0])    // will work

Defined in: main.js, lines 2088-2093 (6 lines) • Show code

redraw: function (node, cls) {
  cls == null || node.classList.remove(cls)
  void node.offsetHeight
  cls == null || node.classList.add(cls)
  return node
reduce ( value, func [, initial )

Calls func for every member of value, returning result of the last call.

Result Types
Types Notes
rdmixed as returned by func, or initial if given and value is empty
Name Types Notes
func Receives result of the previous func call, member’s value, its key and the entire value
initialomitted If omitted, func is not called for the first time; instead, that member’s value is used as if it was returned by func; will throw if omitted and value is empty.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/reduce. See also sum() and reduceRight() that iterates from the end of value.

unorderedAttention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

reduce() visits members of object value in arbitrary order.

_.reduce([1, 2, 3], (memo, v) => memo + v)      //=> 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
_.reduce([1, 2, 3], (memo, v) => memo + v, '')  //=> '' + 1 + 2 + 3 = '123'

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 310-317 (8 lines) • Show code

reduce: function (value, func, initial) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.reduce, function () {
    arguments[0] = function (memo, item) {
      return func(memo, item[1], item[0], value)
    return ap.reduce.apply(NoDash.entries(value), arguments)
reduceRight ( value, func [, initial )

Calls func for every member of value starting from the last member, returning result of the last call.

from rd

Result Types
Types Notes
mixed as returned by func, or initial if given and value is empty
Name Types Notes
func Receives result of the previous func call, member’s value, its key and the entire value
initialomitted If omitted, func is not called for the first time; instead, that member’s value is used as if it was returned by func; will throw if omitted and value is empty.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/reduceRight. See also reduce() that iterates from the start of value.

reduceRight() does not support object value.

Defined in: main.js, lines 327-329 (3 lines) • Show code

reduceRight: function (value, func, initial) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.reduceRight, objectNotSupported('reduceRight'))
reject ( value, func, cx )

Returns a copy of value without members for which func has returned truthyness.

Result Types
Types Notes

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

See also filter(), compact(), partition().

Since reject() is non-standard, its func is subject to bind() but it’s better not to rely on this for symmetry and in case it gets standardized.

Defined in: main.js, lines 1244-1246 (3 lines) • Show code

reject: function (value, func, cx) {
  return NoDash.filter(value, NoDash.negate(func), cx)
repeat ( value, count )

Returns copies of value duplicated count times.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/repeat (not in IE). See also fill().

_.repeat('ab', 3)             //=> 'ababab'
_.repeat(['ab', 'cd'], 3)     //=> ['ab', 'cd', 'ab', 'cd', 'ab', 'cd']
_.repeat([['ab', 'cd']], 2)   //=> [['ab', 'cd'], ['ab', 'cd']]

Defined in: main.js, lines 977-980 (4 lines) • Show code

repeat: function (value, count) {
  return typeof value == 'string' && value.repeat ? value.repeat(count)
    : value.concat.apply(value.constructor(), NoDash.fill(Array(count), value))
rest ( value [, length] )

Returns all members of value except for first length.

from ini

Result Types
Types Notes
type of value
Name Types Notes
lengthomitted = 1

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

See also first(), last(), initial().

Example['a', 'b', 'c'])      //=> ['b', 'c']['a', 'b', 'c'], 2)   //=> ['c']{a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})   //=> {b: 2, c: 3}'abcdef')             //=> 'bcdef''abcdef', 2)          //=> 'cdef'

Defined in: main.js, lines 1321-1323 (3 lines) • Show code

rest: function (value, length) {
  return slice(value, arguments.length > 1 ? length : 1)
reverse ( value )

Returns the copy of values with members in reverse order.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/reverse.

_.reverse([5, 1, 3])      //=> [3, 1, 5]

Defined in: main.js, lines 588-590 (3 lines) • Show code

reverse: function (value) {
  return transform(value, [], 0, cloner(ap.reverse), objectNotSupported('reverse'))
sample ( value [, n] )

Returns a random member of value, or undefined.

Name Types Notes
nint Exists for compatibility with Underscore’s un:sample() and LoDash’s lo:sample(); if given, sample() works just like shuffle() in NoDash.

See also random() and shuffle() that returns several random members of value.

_.sample([1, 2, 3])               //=> 3
_.sample({a: 1, b: 2})            //=> 2
_.sample(_.keys({a: 1, b: 2}))    //=> 'a' (random member's key)

// Pulling a random member:
var a = [1, 2, 3]
var k = _.sample(_.keys(a))       //=> 0
var v = a.splice(k, 1)[0]         // v = 1, a = [2, 3]

Defined in: main.js, lines 1556-1562 (7 lines) • Show code

sample: function (value, n) {
  if (arguments.length > 1) {
    return NoDash.shuffle(v, n)
  } else {
    return NoDash.first(NoDash.shuffle(value, 1))
shuffle ( value [, length] )

Returns a copy of value with at most length random members.

Result Types
Types Notes
object of random members of value
Name Types Notes
lengthomitted = length

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

If length is ≥ value’s size(), returned object is just a copy.

See also random() and sample() that returns a single item.

_.shuffle([1, 2, 3])              //=> [3, 1, 2]
_.shuffle([1, 2, 3], 1)           //=> [2]
_.shuffle([1, 2, 3], 2)           //=> [2, 1]
_.shuffle({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, 1)  //=> {b: 2}
_.shuffle({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3}, 2)  //=> {a: 1, c: 3}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1524-1537 (14 lines) • Show code

shuffle: function (value, length) {
  if (arguments.length < 2) { length = value.length }
  var sized = NoDash.size(value)
  var isArray = NoDash.isArrayLike(value)
  value = isArray ? : NoDash.entries(value)
  for (var i = 0; i < sized && i < length; i++) {
    var j = NoDash.random(sized - 1)
    var temp = value[i]
    value[i] = value[j]
    value[j] = temp
  return isArray ? value : NoDash.fromEntries(value)
size ( value )

Returns number of members in value, excluding “empty” slots in sparse array.

Name Types Notes

See also isArrayLike().

_.size('abc')                     //=> 3
_.size(['a', 'b'])                //=> 2
_.size(['a', , , 'b'])            //=> 2
['a', , , 'b'].length             //=> 4
_.size({a: 1, b: 2})              //=> 2
_.size({a: 1, b: 2, length: 5})   //=> 5

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1621-1630 (10 lines) • Show code

size: function (value, forceObject) {
  if (forceObject !== fo && NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
    return Array.isArray(value)
      // reduce() relies on native forEach() to skip empty slots.
      ? NoDash.reduce(value, function (c) { return c + 1 }, 0)
      : value.length    // faster
  } else {
    return Object.keys(value).length
slice ( value [, begin [, end]] )

Returns a portion of value.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
beginslbeint Starting index.
omitted = 0
endint Index of the member after last included in the result; if negative set to length - end (hence give -1 to omit last member).
omitted = length

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/slice.

slendAttention: slice(), o:String/substring() and fill() accept end as an index (exclusive!) while o:Array/splice() and o:String/substr() – as a length. Also, fill()’s end cannot be negative.

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

slice() returns arbitrary members for object value.

_.slice('abc', 0, 2)          //=> 'ab'
_.slice([1, 2, 3], 1)         //=> [2, 3]
_.slice({a: 1, b: 2}, 0, 1)   //=> {a: 1}

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 575-579 (5 lines) • Show code

slice: function (value, begin, end) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.slice, function (begin, end) {
    return NoDash.fromEntries(NoDash.entries(value, fo).slice(begin, end))
some ( value, func, cx )

Returns true if func returned truthyness for any member of value.

from fe

Name Types Notes
func Receives member’s value, its key and the entire value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/some. See also every().

_.some([1, 2, 3], v => v > 1)      //=> true
_.some({a: 1, b: 2}, v => v < 1)   //=> false
_.some('a-_@', v => /w/.test(v))   //=> true

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 433-437 (5 lines) • Show code

some: function (value, func, cx) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.some, function () {
    return NoDash.findIndex(value, func, cx, fo) !== undefined
sort ( value, func )

Returns a copy of value with members sorted according to func.

Result Types
Types Notes
array Even for object value
Name Types Notes
func Receives av, bv, ak, bk and should return a positive value if av must appear after bv, negative if before, or zero if they may appear in any order (makes sorting unstable); ak and bk are their keys within value and are only not given for object value

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/sort. See also sortBy().

_.sort([5, 1, 3], (a, b) => a - b)      //=> [1, 3, 5]
_.sort({a: 5, b: 2}, (a, b) => a - b)   //=> [2, 5]

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 451-459 (9 lines) • Show code

sort: function (value, func) {
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, cloner(ap.sort), function () {
    return NoDash.entries(value, fo)
      .sort(function (a, b) {
        return, a[1], b[1], a[0], b[0])
      .map(function (item) { return item[1] })
sortBy ( value, func, cx )

Returns a copy of value with members sorted according to func.

Result Types
Types Notes
array Even for object value
Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind(); receives member’s value, its key and the entire value; returns a comparable (number or string); members with identical ranks are sorted by their keys.

See also sort().

_.sortBy([5, 1, 3], v => v)               //=> [1, 3, 5]
_.sortBy({a: 5, b: 2}, (v, k) => k)       //=> [5, 2]

Defined in: main.js, lines 1433-1436 (4 lines) • Show code

sortBy: function (value, func, cx) {
  var entries = tagAndSort(value, func, cx)
  return (item) { return item[1] })
startsWith ( value, sub [, startIndex] )

Returns true if value has sub at startIndex (or 0).

Name Types Notes
sub Same type as value; if empty, always returns true
startIndexomitted = 0 Negative set to 0.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/startsWith (not in IE). See also endsWith().

_.startsWith('abc', 'ab')                 //=> true
_.startsWith('abc', 'bc', 1)              //=> true
_.startsWith(['ab', 'cd'], ['ab'])        //=> true
_.startsWith(['ab', 'cd'], ['ab', 'cd'])  //=> true
_.startsWith([{}], [{}])                  //=> false ({} !== {})

Defined in: main.js, lines 890-898 (9 lines) • Show code

startsWith: function (value, sub, startIndex) {
  startIndex > 0 /*not undefined/NaN/etc.*/ || (startIndex = 0)
  if (typeof value == 'string') {
    return value.substr(startIndex, sub.length) == sub
  var part = NoDash.slice(value, startIndex, startIndex + sub.length)
  return part.length == sub.length &&
    part.every(function (item, index) { return item === sub[index] })
sum ( value )

Returns the sum of all members of value.

Result Types
Types Notes
null if value is empty (conveniently, +null = 0)
NaN if any member couldn’t be cast to integer
Name Types Notes

See also reduce().

_.sum([1, 2, 3])              //=> 6
_.sum({a: 1, b: 2, c: 3})     //=> 6
_.sum(['1', 2, 3])            //=> 6
_.sum(['1z', 2, 3])           //=> NaN

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1418-1421 (4 lines) • Show code

sum: function (value) {, 1, 0, function (m, n) { return m + +n }, null)
  return NoDash.reduce.apply(undefined, arguments)
throttle ( func, ms, options )

Returns a function that invokes func not more often than once per ms.

Name Types Notes
func Subject to bind()

Possible options keys:

Name Types Notes
omitted true
omitted true

See also debounce().

tcanCall cancel() on the returned function to stop currently pending invocation, if any.

Consider this diagram (given ms of 50, - standing for 10 ms, > for time the returned function (RT) was first and last called):

 c    c     c     c   func invocations
>L----TL----TL-->-T   leading = trailing = true
 ^^^^^ ^^^^^ ^^^^^    throttle periods (50 ms)
>L---- L---- L-->     leading = true,  trailing = false
> ----T ----T -->-T   leading = false, trailing = true

  • Calling RT at any point during the throttle period extends the period.
  • L tells when func is invoked if leading is set, T – if trailing is set.
  • trailing invokes func after the end of the last period (even when RT is no longer called).
  • Disabling both leading and trailing is useless.
  • When both are enabled, T and L in the beginning of the 2nd and subsequent periods are “merged”, resulting in only one func invocation.

Defined in: main.js, lines 2127-2150 (24 lines) • Show code

throttle: function (func, ms, options) {
  func = bind(func)
  options = NoDash.assign({leading: true, trailing: true}, options)
  var last = 0
  var timer
  function throttle_() {
    var args = [this, arguments]
    if (!timer) {
      if ( - last >= ms && options.leading) {
        func.apply(args[0], args[1])
        last =
      timer = setTimeout(function () {
        if (options.trailing) {
          func.apply(args[0], args[1])
          last =
        timer = null
      }, ms)
  throttle_.cancel = function () { timer = clearTimeout(timer) }
  return throttle_
times ( times, func, cx )

Calls func several times, returning results of all calls.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
timesint Non-negative.
func Subject to bind(); receives a number from 0 to times - 1

See also range().

_.times(3, i => -i)   //=> [-0, -1, -2]
_.times(0, i => -i)   //=> []

Defined in: main.js, lines 2291-2296 (6 lines) • Show code

times: function (times, func, cx) {
  func = bind(func, arguments, 2)
  return NoDash.fill(Array(times)).map(function (aNull, index) {
    return, index)
toArray ( value )

Converts value to a regular Array.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
valuearray shallow-copied via slice()
object values returned
other (null and typeof not object) returned as [value]

See also isArrayLike(), values().

_.toArray('abc')                    //=> ['abc']
_.toArray(123)                      //=> [123]
_.toArray()                         //=> [undefined]
_.toArray(['a', 'b'])               //=> copy of the argument
_.toArray({a: 1, b: 2})             //=> [1, 2]
_.toArray({a: 1, b: 2, length: 0})  //=> []

Defined in: main.js, lines 1597-1606 (10 lines) • Show code

toArray: function (value) {
  if (typeof value != 'object' || value == null) {
    return [value]
  } else if (!NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
    return NoDash.values(value)
  } else {
    // returns [arguments].
trim ( value [, blank] )

Returns a copy of value with certain “blanks” in start and end removed.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
blankmixed for array value
string character list
RegExp without /g flag
omitted = falsy for array, whitespace (/\s/) for string
_.trim(' abca ')            //=> 'abca'
_.trim('abca ', 'ba')       //=> 'ca '
_.trim('.ab.c.', /\w\W/)    //=> '.a'
_.trim(['ab', 'cd'], 'ab')  //=> ['cd']
_.trim(Array(5))            //=> []

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/trim. See also trimStart(), trimEnd().

Defined in: main.js, lines 1000-1002 (3 lines) • Show code

trim: function (value, blank) {
  return trim(true, true, value, blank, arguments.length < 2)
trimEnd ( value [, blank] )

Returns a copy of value with certain trailing “blanks” removed.

from tr

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
blankmixed for array value
string character list
RegExp without /g flag
omitted = falsy for array, whitespace (/\s/) for string
_.trim(' abca ')            //=> 'abca'
_.trim('abca ', 'ba')       //=> 'ca '
_.trim('.ab.c.', /\w\W/)    //=> '.a'
_.trim(['ab', 'cd'], 'ab')  //=> ['cd']
_.trim(Array(5))            //=> []

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/trimEnd (not in IE). See also trim(), trimStart().

Defined in: main.js, lines 1018-1020 (3 lines) • Show code

trimEnd: function (value, blank) {
  return trim(false, true, value, blank, arguments.length < 2)
trimStart ( value [, blank] )

Returns a copy of value with certain leading “blanks” removed.

from tr

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
blankmixed for array value
string character list
RegExp without /g flag
omitted = falsy for array, whitespace (/\s/) for string
_.trim(' abca ')            //=> 'abca'
_.trim('abca ', 'ba')       //=> 'ca '
_.trim('.ab.c.', /\w\W/)    //=> '.a'
_.trim(['ab', 'cd'], 'ab')  //=> ['cd']
_.trim(Array(5))            //=> []

ECMAScript equivalent: o:String/trimStart (not in IE). See also trim(), trimEnd().

Defined in: main.js, lines 1009-1011 (3 lines) • Show code

trimStart: function (value, blank) {
  return trim(true, false, value, blank, arguments.length < 2)
union ( ...values )

Returns a combination of members of all arguments without duplicates (unless they exist in the first argument).

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
object unlike with assign(), on duplicate key the first member’s value is kept

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/concat. See also assign(), intersection().

_.union([1, 2], [1, 3])               //=> [1, 2, 3]
_.union({a: 1, b: 2}, {a: 3, c: 4})   //=> {a: 1, b: 2, c: 4}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1697-1708 (12 lines) • Show code

union: function () {
  var res = arguments[0] || []
  var isArray = NoDash.isArrayLike(res)
  for (var i = 1; i < arguments.length; i++) {
    NoDash.forEach(arguments[i], function (item, key) {
      if (!NoDash.includes(res, item)) {
        isArray ? res.push(item) : (res[key] = item)
  return res
unique ( value [, func [, cx]] )

Returns a sorted copy of value without identical (===) members.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes
funcfunction subject to bind(); ranking members of value as if by groupBy()
omitted to sort by member’s string value
_.unique([2, 1, 2])             //=> [1, 2]
_.unique([2, 1, 2], v => -v)    //=> [2, 1] (ranked as -2, -1)
_.unique({a: 1, b: 1})          //=> {a: 1} or {b: 1}

from unordered

Attention: be wary about object value – JavaScript objects are unordered.

unique() keeps arbitrary key of identical object members (see last example).

Defined in: main.js, lines 1758-1776 (19 lines) • Show code

unique: function (value, func, cx) {
  var prev = unset
  function filterer(item) {
    if (prev !== item) {
      prev = item
      return true
  if (arguments.length < 2 && NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
    return NoDash.sort(value).filter(filterer)
  } else {
    func = func || function (item) { return item + '' }
    var entries = tagAndSort(value, func, cx)
      .filter(function (item) { return filterer(item[2]) })
    return NoDash.isArrayLike(value)
      ? (item) { return item[1] })
      : NoDash.fromEntries(entries)
unzip ( value )

Splits members of value into multiple collections, each containing all members’ values for a particular property.

Result Types
Types Notes
array of arrays
Name Types Notes
valuearrays of arrays
array of objects

See also zip() that does the reverse, and pluck() that returns a single non-own property.

_.unzip([])   //=> []

_.unzip([ ['a', 1, true], ['b', undefined, false], ['c', 3, undefined] ])
  //=> [ ['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, undefined, 3], ['c', 3, undefined] ]

_.unzip([ {a: 'a', b: 1, c: true}, {a: 'b', c: false}, {a: 'c', b: 3} ])
  //=> {a: ['a', 'b', 'c'], b: [1, undefined, 3], c: [true, false]})

Defined in: main.js, lines 1823-1833 (11 lines) • Show code

unzip: function (value) {
  if (NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
    var list = NoDash.max(value, function (item) { return item.length })
  } else {
    var list = value.length
      ? NoDash.assign.apply(undefined, [{}].concat(value)) : [[]]
  return, function (item, key) {
    return, function (o) { return o[key] })
values ( value )

Returns values of members in value.

Result Types
Types Notes
array with has() properties
Name Types Notes
valuearray In all cases returns a shallow copy.

ECMAScript equivalent: o:Array/slice, o:Object/values (not in IE). See also toArray(), keys().

_.values([1, 2])        //=> [1, 2]
_.values(Array(3))      //=> [<3 empty slots>]
_.values({a: 1, b: 2})  //=> [1, 2]
_.values('abc')         //=> ['a', 'b', 'c']

from fo

Warning: isArrayLike object is treated as array:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: '1'}, v => log(v))
   // logs 2 (key 'a'), {b: 3} (key '0') and '1' (key 'length')
_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v))
   // logs only {b: 3} (key '0')
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a')  //=> []

Give forceObject as the last argument to treat value as an object:

_.forEach({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, v => log(v), _.forceObject)
   // logs 'a', '0', 'length'
_.pick({a: 2, 0: {b: 3}, length: 1}, 'a', _.forceObject)   //=> {a: 2}

Defined in: main.js, lines 801-808 (8 lines) • Show code

values: function (value) {
  // ap.slice() splits a string, ap.concat() doesn't.
  return transform(value, arguments, 1, ap.slice, function () {
    return Object.values
      ? Object.values(value)
      : Object.keys(value).map(function (key) { return value[key] })
without ( value, ...members )

Returns a copy of values without members given as other arguments.

Result Types
Types Notes
Name Types Notes

See also difference().

_.without([1, 2, 3], 2, 1)      //=> [3]
_.without({a: 1: b: 4}, 2, 1)   //=> {b: 4}

Defined in: main.js, lines 1679-1684 (6 lines) • Show code

without: function (value) {
  var values =, 1)
  return NoDash.filter(value, function (item) {
    return values.indexOf(item) == -1
zip ( ...values )

Puts member of every argument into that argument’s position in the unified returned collection.

Result Types
Types Notes
array of arrays
array of objects (of duplicate keys last is used)
Name Types Notes
valuesarrays of arrays
objects with array properties

See also unzip() that does the reverse.

Example   //=> []['a', 'b', 'c'], [1, undefined, 3], {0: true, 1: false})
  //=> [ ['a', 1, true], ['b', undefined, false], ['c', 3, undefined] ]{a: ['a', 'b', 'c'], b: [1, undefined, 3]}, {c: {0: true, 1: false}})
  //=> [ {a: 'a', b: 1, c: true}, {a: 'b', b: undefined, c: false},
  //     {a: 'c', b: 3, c: undefined} ]{a: [ignored...]}, {a: [1, 2, 3]})
// Same as:                   {a: [1, 2, 3]})

Defined in: main.js, lines 1797-1807 (11 lines) • Show code

zip: function () {
  var args =
  if (!NoDash.isArrayLike(args[0])) {
    args = args.length
      ? NoDash.assign.apply(undefined, [{}].concat(args)) : [[]]
  return NoDash.max(args, function (a) { return a.length })
    .map(function (item, index) {
      return, function (a) { return a[index] })