Class Extra

class Extra
These functions are provided by nodash/extra. In browser context they are part of the main _/NoDash object

Defined in: extra.js, line 45

Description (skip)

These functions are provided by nodash/extra. In browser context they are part of the main _/NoDash object.

This module depends on NoDash by default but it can also work with Underscore or LoDash. See sq:start#deps on how to override this dependency (except the NPM’s override method won’t work because extra uses a dependency on self). An example for Require.js:

  map: {
    'nodash/extra': {
      'nodash/main': 'lodash'


ajax ( options )

Performs a remote request using XMLHttpRequest, offering a subset of jQuery’s ajax() API.

Result Types
Types Notes
XMLHttpRequest The xhr
Name Types Notes

Possible options keys:

Name Types Notes
typestr GET by default.
datastr Request data for POST, etc.; useful object types are mdn:API/FormData, mdn:API/Blob and mdn:API/URLSearchParams (not in IE).
dataTypestr Type of xhr.response, from standard mdn:API/XMLHttpRequestResponseType; text by default; other useful types are document (for HTML and XML), json, arraybuffer and blob
contextobject Calling context for below callbacks.
beforeSendfunction Called before; receives xhr and options (mutable, affects internal copy, not given options); if returns === false then the request is not performed and error is called without giving e (imitates abort()).
successfunction Called when response has arrived; receives xhr and e

Warning: if dataType is json, responses being empty or the string “null” trigger success with response set to null.

errorfunction Called on a request or response error, and also on beforeSend and xhr.abort(); receives xhr (always) and e (only if not on beforeSend).
completefunction Called after completion, successful or not; receives xhr and e
progressfunction Called during response transmission; receives xhr and e where useful e properties are:
Name Types Notes
loadedint bytes
totalint bytes Or 0.
timeoutint milliseconds If exceeded, request error-s with the status of 0.
headersobject Members can be strings or arrays; if missing, assumed X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest (for compatibility with jQuery’s ajax()).

Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded is added if type is not GET and data is not an object (browsers set the correct Content-Type automatically if it’s an object).

For CORS, custom headers like X-Requested-With (but not Content-Type) mandate the preflight request. Give headers of {} to avoid it. Details:

usernamestr For HTTP Basic Authentication.
passwordstr For HTTP Basic Authentication.

It is guaranteed that, per given ajax() call:

  • exactly one of success or error and one complete is called
  • success is called on a 200-299 status and responseType matching dataType (the latter is browser-dependent and not very reliable)
  • complete is called after success or error, even if the latter has thrown an exception (it’s re-thrown after complete provided it didn’t throw another one)
  • progress is never called after calling success or error

ECMAScript equivalents: mdn:API/XMLHttpRequest, mdn:API/Fetch_API.

  url: 'form.php',
  type: 'POST',
  data: new FormData(document.querySelector('form')),

  url:          'some.json',
  dataType:     'json',
  timeout:      5000,  // 5 seconds
  headers:      {},    // remove X-Requested-With
  beforeSend:   () => $('#loading').show()
  complete:     () => $('#loading').hide()
  success:      xhr => alert(xhr.response),
  error:        (xhr, e) => alert(xhr.statusText),
  progress:     (xhr, e) => $('progress').attr({
    value: e.lengthComputable &&

Defined in: extra.js, lines 144-227 (84 lines) • Show code

ajax: function (options) {
  var o = NoDash.assign({}, {
    url: location.href,
    type: 'GET',
    data: undefined,
    dataType: 'text',
    context: undefined,
    beforeSend: new Function,
    success: new Function,
    error: new Function,
    complete: new Function,
    progress: new Function,
    timeout: 0,
    headers: {'X-Requested-With': 'XMLHttpRequest'},
    username: undefined,
    password: undefined,
  }, options)

  if (!o.headers['Content-Type'] && o.type != 'GET' && typeof != 'object') {
    o.headers['Content-Type'] = 'application/x-www-form-urlencoded'

  var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest
  var queue = []

  function finish() {
    // Delayed processing to let all other events (errors) pass through.
    queue.length || NoDash.defer(function () {
      // No pop() - queue.length must be non-0 to prevent late XHR events
      // from re-triggering this.
      var args = [xhr].concat([queue.length - 1]))

      var ok = xhr.status >= 200 && xhr.status < 300 &&
               // This check isn't very reliable as at least Firefox leaves
               // 'json' as is even if response is 'text/html'.
               xhr.responseType == o.dataType

      try {
        NoDash.bind(ok ? o.success : o.error).apply(o.context, args)
      } catch (e) {
        var ex = e

      NoDash.bind(o.complete).apply(o.context, args)
      if (ex) { throw ex }


  xhr.onreadystatechange = function () {
    if (xhr.readyState == 4) {
      finish.apply(undefined, arguments)

  // ontimeout is fired after onreadystatechange.
  xhr.ontimeout = finish

  xhr.upload.onprogress = function () {
    if (!queue.length) {
      var args = [xhr].concat(
      NoDash.bind(o.progress).apply(o.context, args)

  if (NoDash.bind(o.beforeSend).call(o.context, xhr, o) === false) {
    NoDash.bind(o.error).call(o.context, xhr)
  } else {, o.url, true, o.username, o.password)
    xhr.timeout = o.timeout
    xhr.responseType = o.dataType

    NoDash.forEach(o.headers, function (value, name) {
      NoDash.toArray(value).forEach(function (item) {
        xhr.setRequestHeader(name, item)


  return xhr
format ( [options, ] str [, arg [, ...]] )

Interpolates arg’uments into str’ing according to format specifiers inspired by printf() of C, or returns a function doing so.

Result Types
Types Notes
string formatted str Result depends on options.return
string function’s source code
function accepting arg’uments
Name Types Notes

See also template().

Specifiers in str start with %. Special %% is output as is while others have this format (unsupported specifier triggers an error):

% [[+|-][n]$] [+[ ]] [[-|=][0|`c]d] [.[-][p]] (s|c|d|f|x|X|b|o|H|I|S|Y|M|D|K|T)
n     - takes 1-based n'th arg; causes next $-less % to take n+1, etc.
+-n   - ...relative: %+1$ = %+$ skip over next, %-2$ go back by two
+     - prefix positive number with '+' or ' '
d     - number of symbols to pad to, using spaces on the left unless...
-     - ...pads on the right
=     - ...pads on both sides (centers)
0     - ...pads with zeros
c     - ...pads with that symbol
p     - %f: rounds to this number of decimal places (without .p = 6),
        padding with zeros on the right if no '-'; %s %c: cuts if
        longer, from the right if no '-'; '.' alone = defaultPrecision
%s    - treats arg as a string
%c    - treats arg as one or many (if array) String.fromCharCode()-s
%d    - treats arg as an integer, discarding fractional part
%f    - treats arg as a fractional number; mantissa is exempted from d
%x    - treats arg as an integer, output in hexadecimal lower case
%X    - as %x but in upper case
%b    - as %x but in binary
%o    - as %x but in octal
%H    - treats arg as a Date instance, outputs local hours (1-24)
%I    - as %H but outputs minutes (0-59)
%S    - as %H but outputs seconds (0-59)
%Y    - as %H but outputs full year (like 2022)
%M    - as %H but outputs month number (1-12)
%D    - as %H but outputs day number (1-31)
%K    - as %H but outputs week day number (1-7, 1 for Monday)

Possible options keys:

Name Types Notes
returnint If 2, format() returns the formatted string; if 1, returns a function that can be used to format the same str using different set of arg’uments; if 0, returns its source code.
omitted = 2
silentbool If set, doesn’t throw on insufficient number of arg-s and other warnings.
ellipsisstr Terminator used when .p’recision outputs a longer %s/%c string; use '' to cut without one.
null/omitted = '...'
defaultPrecisionobject p value when no number follows the dot; unset %s/%c default to 100.
specifiersobject Non-standard or overridden specifiers (%...); key is a single \w character, value is a function receiving params, c:
Name Types Notes
paramsarray Specifier string parameters; useful keys (all but first and last can be empty):
Name Types Notes
0 Full specifier string without leading %
2 If $ used: arg index wrapped in "
3 Sign: + or + + space.
5 Padding side: - or =
6 Padding symbol: 0 or ` + character.
7 Padding length (numeric).
9 Precision padding: -
10 Precision (numeric), empty if only . used.
11 The specifier character.

Note: sign and padding are handled by format(), not this function.

cobject Current state; keys:
Name Types Notes
argsarray Only when formatting; arg’uments for interpolation.
argint Only when formatting; index of current arg’ument.
headstr Only when compiling; JavaScript code added to the beginning of the compiled function; useful for declaring variables.
optionsobject options given to format()
efunction Throws an Error unless options.silent; receives msg, returns true
nextfunction Only call when formatting; returns current arg and advances the index; receives null or a 1-based number: '' + params[2] + ')'
* Other keys can be used for storing custom state data.

Function must return a JavaScript code string (will be wrapped in ( )) which can use context variables like a (see below). Use JSON.stringify() to properly escape a string.


These variables exist within the returned function:

Name Types Notes
_ Reference to NoDash regardless of the global _
c Current formatter’s state (see above), shallow-copied for every new call of the returned function (still sharing options and others).
a Temporary variable for use by the specifier formatter while it transforms the current arg

For pretty formatting visible to user consider using standard Intl classes, such as:

_.format('from char codes: %c', [97, 98, 99])
  //=> 'from char codes: abc'
_.format('from char codes: %s', [97, 98, 99])
  //=> 'from char codes: 97,98,99'
_.format('|%=`+10s|', 'head')
  //=> '|+++head+++|'
_.format('%.5s %1$.-5s %02.5f %2$02.-5f', 'abcdef', 3.14)
  //=> 'ab... ...ef 03.14000 03.14'
_.format('%Y-%1$02M-%1$02D', new Date)
  //=> '2022-11-01'
_.format('%f(ms) %1$d(s) %1$.f(rounded)', new Date / 1000)
  //=> '1667314562.619000(ms) 1667314562(s) 1667314563(rounded)'

// Ensure %s is exactly 5 chars, padding and cutting as necessary:
var fmt = _.format({return: 1}, '%5.5s')
  //=> function (arg, arg, ...)
fmt('abc')        //=> '  abc'
fmt('abcdef')     //=> 'ab...'
ExampleCustom specifiers:
var escaper = function (params) {
  return '_.escape(' + params[2] + '))'
var s = '<pre>%20h</pre>'
var fmt = _.format({return: 1, specifiers: {h: escaper}}, s)
  //=> function (arg, ...) {
  //     return _.padStart(_.escape(, 20, ' ')
  //   }
  //=> <pre>   &lt;/SCRiPT>&amp;</pre>

Defined in: extra.js, lines 893-1108 (216 lines) • Show code

format: function (options, str) {
  function noPrecision(c, params) {
    if (params[8]) {
      c.e('%' + params[11] + ' is incompatible with precision (' + params[8] + ')')

  if (!(options instanceof Object)) {
    str = options
    options = {}

  var args =, 1 + (options == arguments[0]))

  options.defaultPrecision = NoDash.assign({
    s: 100,
    c: 100,
  }, options.defaultPrecision)

  options.specifiers = NoDash.assign({
    s: function (params, c, res) {
      res = res || '' + params[2] + ')'
      if (params[8]) {
        res = 'c.ellipsize(' + res + ',' + (params[10] || params[7] || options.defaultPrecision[params[11]] || 0) + ',' + !!params[9] + ')'
      return res

    c: function (params, c) {
      var res = '' + params[2] + '),String.fromCharCode.apply(undefined,_.isArrayLike(a)?a:[a])'
      return options.specifiers.s(params, c, res)

    d: function (params, c) {
      noPrecision(c, params)
      return 'Math.trunc(' + params[2] + '))'

    f: function (params) {
      var p = params[8] ? +params[10] || options.defaultPrecision[params[11]] || 0 : 6
      var m = NoDash.repeat('0', p)
      var variableWidth = params[9] /*'-' p*/ || !p /*no '.' p or '.0'*/
      // If number is below 0, its string form will be shorter than p:
      // %.2f: 0.012 * 100 = '1', not '01' and we won't know the length of
      // mantissa.
      var res = 'Math.round((' + params[2] + ')' + (variableWidth ? '' : '+1') + ')' + (m && '*1' + m) + ')'
      if (variableWidth) {
        return 'a=' + res + (m && '/1' + m) + '+"",al-=a.length-Math.max(0,a.indexOf(".")),a'
      } else {
        return 'al-=' + (p + 1 /*dot*/) + ',a=' + res + '+"",a.substr(0,a.length-' + p + ')-1+"."+a.substr(-' + p + ')'

    x: function (params, c, base) {
      noPrecision(c, params)
      return '(' + params[2] + ')).toString(' + (base || 16) + ')'

    X: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.x(params, c) + '.toUpperCase()'

    b: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.x(params, c, 2)

    o: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.x(params, c, 8)

    H: function (params, c, func) {
      noPrecision(c, params)
      return '' + params[2] + ').' + (func || 'getHours') + '()'

    I: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.H(params, c, 'getMinutes')

    S: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.H(params, c, 'getSeconds')

    Y: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.H(params, c, 'getFullYear')

    M: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.H(params, c, 'getMonth') + '+1'

    D: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.H(params, c, 'getDate')

    K: function (params, c) {
      return options.specifiers.H(params, c, 'getDay')
  }, options.specifiers)

  var c = {
    //! +ig
    //args: null,   // format-time
    //arg: 0,       // format-time
    head: 'var a,al,c=_.assign({arg:0,,2)},_c);',
    options: options,

    e: function (msg) {
      if (!this.options.silent) {
        throw new Error('format: ' + msg + '.')
      return true

    //! +ig
    next: function (param) {    // [+-][n]
      if (param) {
        isNaN(param[0]) ? this.arg += +param : this.arg = param - 1
      if (++this.arg > this.args.length) {
        this.e('too few arguments')
        return ''
      } else {
        return this.args[this.arg - 1]

    ellipsize: function (s, max, left) {
      s += ''
      if (s.length > max) {
        var ell = options.ellipsis == null ? '...' : options.ellipsis
        s = max <= ell.length
            ? left ? s.substr(-max) : s.substr(0, max)
            : left
              ? ell + s.substr(-(max - ell.length))
              : s.substr(0, max - ell.length) + ell
      return s

  // Since specifier format looks the same when stringify()'ed, can call the
  // latter once on the entire string rather than on every parts.shift().
  var parts = JSON.stringify(str)
    // Note: update doc comment above and splice() below if changing ( )s.
    .split(/%(%|(([+-]\d*|\d+)\$)?(\+ ?)?(([-=])?(0|`.)?(\d+))?(\.(-)?(\d*))?(\w))/)
    //       0  12                3      45      6      7      8  9   10     11

  var code = ''

  while (true) {
    code += parts.shift()           // A%sB%dC = [A] [%s] [B] [%d] [C]
    if (!parts.length) { break }    //           ^shift   ^shift   ^shift

    //  0   part after initial '%': '%' or full specifier
    //  1   n + '$'
    //  2   [+|-] [n]
    //  3   '+' or '+ '
    //  4   [[-|=][0|`c]d]
    //  5   '-' or '='
    //  6   '0' or '`' + c
    //  7   d
    //  8   [.[-][p]]
    //  9   '-'
    // 10   p
    // 11   specifier symbol
    var params = parts.splice(0, 12)  // 12 = number of ( )s above

    if (params[0] == '%') {
      code += '%'

    var func = options.specifiers[params[11]]
    if (!func) {
      c.e('unsupported specifier %' + params[11] + ': %' + params[0])

    if (params[2] == '+' || params[2] == '-') { params[2] += '1' }
    params[2] = params[2] ? '"' + params[2] + '"' : ''

    code += '"+(al=0,a=(' + func(params, c) + '),'
    if (params[3]) {
      code += '(a>0?"' + params[3].substr(-1) + '":"")+'
    if (!params[4]) {
      code += 'a'
    } else {
      var n = params[7]
      var p = JSON.stringify(NoDash.repeat((params[6] || ' ').substr(-1), +n))
      if (params[5] == '=') {
        code += '(a+="",a=' + p + '.substr(0,(' + n + '-a.length+al)/2)+a)+' + p + '.substr(a.length)'
      } else {
        p += '.substr(a.length+al)'
        code += '(a+="",' + (params[5] ? 'a+' + p : p + '+a') + ')'
    code += ')+"'

  code = c.head + 'a=' + code + ';c.arg==c.args.length||c.e("too many arguments");return a'

  if (options.return != 0) {
    code = (new Function('_c,_', code)).bind(undefined, c, NoDash)
    if (options.return != 1) {
      return code.apply(undefined, args)

  if (args.length) {
    c.e("have both format arg-s and options.return < 2")

  return code
template ( str [, options] )

Converts a template str to a function that accepts variables and returns a formatted string.

Result Types
Types Notes
function accepting vars
string if options.source
Name Types Notes
strstring The template.
function take the contents of the first /**/ comment (make sure it’s not minified away)
Node take textContent
optionsobject Compilation options.

template() can be used outside of web browser environment.

See also format().

Possible options keys:

Name Types Notes
prepareomitted Function receives caller-given vars ({} if not given) and options under o (may be undefined) and returns an object with complete variables and options (may be mutated).
object defaults for formatting variables and/or options (under o)
sourcebool If set, returns a JavaScript string – code of the function to be compiled.
withbool If set, members of vars can be referenced directly, not through v; such templates are slower due to using JavaScript’s with { }
omitted = true
laxRefbool If set, non-code ref are resolved with at(), meaning they return the non-object value immediately, even if there are more path components (that triggers an error without laxRef, but is faster).
omitted = true
codebool If unset, fails to compile if there are constructs allowing arbitrary code execution; in such case it should be safe to pass str from untrusted input since it can only read values given to the compiled function and from global window (unless there are custom blocks).
omitted = true
backslashbool If set, preprocesses str by removing backslashes placed before a line break together with all the following whitespace and line breaks; useful for splitting long lines that can’t normally be split, wrapping {{ }} or getting rid of unwanted spaces inside <u>
omitted = false
blocksobject New custom or overridden standard if/for/etc.; key is the block’s name (alphanumeric), value is a function receiving param, value, c:
Name Types Notes
paramnull if no :... given Part after : (may be blank).
valuenull no space given Part after space; on conflict with non-code echo the latter wins so add a colon for unambiguity: {{echo}} but {{block:}}
cobject Current compiler’s state; keys:
Name Types Notes
optionsobject An internal copy of options given to template(), with filled defaults.
reffunction Resolves a reference (see ref below); receives a raw string, returns a JavaScript code snippet evaluating to string.
stack Current chain of blocks, first being last opened.
extraobject For passing non-serializable data to the compiled function; available under _x variable.
* Other keys can be used for storing custom state data.

Attention: be mindful of operator precedence: returning code like a || b will prevent the template from running; instead, return (a || b). Brackets are not added automatically because ( may appear in start and a matching ) appears in end.

Function must return an object with keys:

Name Types Notes
startomitted JavaScript code evaluating to string.
endomitted JavaScript code evaluating to string at the time block’s end is met ({{/}}); if null then the block isn’t opened and needs not be closed (alike to <input> in HTML).
typeomitted Used together with end; sets matching block_end’s type; defaults for the block’s key.
headomitted JavaScript code added to the beginning of the compiled function; useful for declaring variables.

Code snippets can use context variables like v (see below). Use JSON.stringify() to properly escape a string.

omitted = default if/for/etc.

Template syntax loosely resembles that of Mustache.js/Handlebars.js – all substitutions are performed within {{...}}:

escaped       = \[\\...]{{
echo          = {{ [=] ref }}
conditional   = {{ [else]if[:not] ref }}
              | {{ else[:] }}
loop          = {{ for[:[*][pf]] ref }}
              | {{ elseif[:pf|-[:not]] ref }}
              | {{ else[:pf|-] }}
block_end     = {{ / [if|for] }}
custom        = {{ key[:[param]][ value] }}
              | {{ / [key] }}

ref           = var[.prop...] | code

  • escaped: a pair of { prefixed with odd number of \ becomes raw {{ prefixed with half that number of \; even number of \ doesn’t escape {{ but is still emitted “halved”:
    \{{ = {{    \\\{{ = \{    \\\\\{{ = \\{{
    \\{{...}} = \ + result    \\\\{{...}} = \\ + result
  • echo: emits value of a variable/property (not of global like window) or result of executing arbitrary code (if ref is not alphanumeric with periods). Without = the result is post-processed by v.o.escaper (e.g. HTML-escaped). If ref is null or undefined, emits nothing.
  • conditional: emits the enclosed block only if ref is truthy (or falsy with :not).
  • loop: emits the enclosed block once for every iteration. ref is given to forEach(), with forceObject if asterisk (*) is present. Optional pf specifies prefix for variables inside the block that are by default m (“m”ember’s value), k (“k”ey), i (“i”ndex, same as k if ref isArrayLike), a (“a”ll, the ref). In object mode, iterations are seamlessly ordered by comparing keys as strings (for:array iterates in different order than for:*array: 2 < 10 but '2' > '10').

    Only i exists outside of the block and is undefined prior to the first loop with that pf; after a loop it holds index of the last iterated member, or -1 if ref was empty (or undefined/null/false) – this is what loop’s enclosed elseif/else test (they also change for’s block_end from /for to /if). Without : or with :-, last for (its pf) is checked: {{elseif}} {{elseif:-}} {{elseif:-:not}} – but here last for with empty pf is checked: {{elseif:}} {{elseif::not}}.

  • block_end: give the expected block’s type (not simply {{/}}) for extra syntax safety:
    {{if ...}} {{for ...}} {{/}} {{/}}        - works
    {{if ...}} {{for ...}} {{/for}} {{/if}}   - works
    {{if ...}} {{for ...}} {{/if}} {{/for}}   - fails to compile
  • Nested and multi-line {{ }} are not supported but you can use string backslash or escapes: {{'}}\n'}} fails but {{'\\x7d\\n}'}} works.

The returned compiled template function accepts these arguments:

Name Types Notes
vobject Variables for access by ref; the o key contains formatting options; standard o subkeys:
Name Types Notes
escaperfunction echo without = runs the value through this; in HTML context you’d set it to escape()
omitted return as is
falsy = {}

These variables exist within the returned function:

Name Types Notes
_ Reference to NoDash regardless of the global _
v Variables given by the caller (v.o = options, or {}).
_x The c.extra object (see the blocks option).
* Members of v, if options.with is set.
_.template('{{a.b.c}}')({})                   //=> ''
_.template('{{a.b.c}}', {laxRef: false})()    // Error
_.template('{{a}}', {laxRef: false})()        // Error
_.template('{{v["a"]}}', {laxRef: false})()
  //=> '' (v is always present)
  // Error (laxRef only affects non-code ref)
_.template('{{Math.random()}}')()             //=> 0.2446989

_.template('{{if Math.random() > 0.5}}win!{{/}}')()
  //=> 'win!' or ''
_.template('{{if Math.random > 1}}win!{{/}}')({
  Math: {random: 9000},
  //=> 'win!'

_.template('{{if Math.random}}win!{{/}}', {laxRef: false, with: false})({})
  //=> 'win!'
_.template('{{if:not Math.random}}win!{{/}}')()
  //=> ''
_.template('{{if Math.random}}win!{{/}}')({Math: {random: 0}})  //=> ''
_.template('{{Math.random}}')({Math: {random: -451}})     //=> '-451'

  //=> 'bar' (window.document.title)
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'foo'
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'foo'
_.template('{{document.title}}', {with: false})()
  //=> 'bar'
_.template('{{document.title}}', {with: false})({
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'bar'
_.template('{{v.document.title}}', {with: false})({
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'foo'

  //=> 'bar'
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'foo'
_.template('{{document["title"]}}', {with: false})({
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'bar'
_.template('{{v.document["title"]}}', {with: false})({
  document: {title: 'foo'},
  //=> 'foo'
var tpl = function () { /*
  {{if homepage}}<a href="{{homepage}}">Homepage</a>{{/}}
*/ }
_.template(tpl)({homepage: ''})
  //=> <a href="">Homepage</a>

var tpl = function () { /*
*/ }
_.template(tpl, {backslash: true})()
  //=> https://very.long/string?with=lotta&query=params#!and-stuff

Other examples where backslash is useful:

{{if foo... && \        becomes {{if foo... && bar... }}
     bar... \           without spaces before \ would be:
}}                              {{if foo...&& bar...}}

<u ...>\                becomes <u ...>text</u> rather than
  text\                 <u ...> text </u>, removing underline of the
</u>                    whitespace after "text" when viewed in browser

ExampleGiven this node somewhere in DOM (<template> is unsupported in IE):
<script type="text/template" id="menuTemplate">
    {{for menu}}
        {{i+1}}. <a href="{{m.url}}">{{m.caption}}</a>
This call:
var func = _.template(document.getElementById('menuTemplate'))
  menu: [
    {url: '//', caption: "Squizzle's home"},
    {url: '//', caption: "Sqimitive.js"},
}, {escaper: _.escape})
…will produce:
    1. <a href="//">Squizzle&39;s home</a>
    2. <a href="//">Sqimitive.js</a>
ExampleUsing prepare:
var f = _.template('{{a}}', {prepare: {a: '&', o: {escaper: _.escape}}})
f()                             //=> '&amp;'
f({a: '<'})                     //=> '&lt;'
f({}, {escaper: null})          //=> '&'
f({a: '<'}, {escaper: null})    //=> '<'
To force certain variables and/or options wrap the returned function:
var f = _.template('{{a}}')
var w = function (v) {
  var o = _.assign({}, v.o, {escaper: _.escape})
  return f(_.assign({}, v, {a: '&', o: o}))
w({a: '<'}, {escaper: null})    //=> '&amp;'
Function form of prepare is useful if the template is compiled early but the defaults it should use change over time:
var f = _.template('{{r}}', {prepare: {r: Math.random()}})
f()         //=> 0.2446989
f()         //=> 0.2446989
f({r: -1})  //=> -1

var f = _.template('{{r}}', {prepare: function (v) {
  return {r: Math.random(), o: v.o}
    // ignores all caller-given variables, keeps its options
  return _.assign({}, v, {r: Math.random(), o: v.o})
    // overrides r's value, keeps other variables and all options
f()         //=> 0.0682551
f()         //=> 0.4187164
f({r: -1})  //=> 0.1058262
var f = _.template(`
  {{for a}}
  {{elseif b}}
// Equivalent to:
var f = _.template(`
  {{for a}}
  {{if i == -1 && b}}
  {{elseif i == -1}}

f()                 //=> 'c'
f({b: true})        //=> 'b'
f({a: [1, 2, 3]})   //=> 'a a a'
ExampleWith enabled options.with, loop’s variables shadow global ones with the same name but globals are still accessible through v.. Use :pf to avoid shadowing. Assuming enabled with:
{{a}} {{v.a}}               // .a of the global variables object
{{v.v.a}}                   // .a property of a global variable .v
{{for y}} {{a}} {{v.a}} {{m.a}} {{v.m.a}} {{/for}}
  // loop's .a (!), global .a variable, member's .a,
  // .a property of a global variable .m
{{for:f y}} {{a}} {{fa}} {{m.a}} {{fm.a}} {{/for}}
  // global .a variable, loop's .a, global .m's .a, member's .a
ExampleCustom blocks:
var sample = function (param, value, c) {
  return {start: '_.sample(' + c.ref(value) + ')'}
_.template('{{sample items}}', {blocks: {sample}})
  ({items: ['a', 'b', 'c']})
    //=> 'a' or 'b' or 'c'
Removing whitespace outside of HTML tags (< >):
var ws = function () {
  return {start: '(""', end: '"").replace(/\\s(?=<|$)/g, "")'}
_.template('{{ws}} <abbr title="Oh"> {{/ws}} </abbr>', {blocks: {ws}})()
    //=> '<abbr title="Oh"> </abbr>'

_.template(..., {..., source: true})
// Compiled to code (cleaned):
return (" <abbr title=\"Oh\"> ").replace(/\s(?=<|$)/g, "") + " </abbr>"

Defined in: extra.js, lines 580-762 (183 lines) • Show code

template: function (str, options) {
  options = NoDash.assign({with: true, laxRef: true, code: true}, options)

  options.blocks = NoDash.assign({
    if: function (param, value, c, ref) {
      if (param && param != 'not') {
        throw new Error('template: bad "if:' + param + '".')
      return {start: '(' + (param ? '!' : '') + (ref || c.ref)(value) + '?""',
              end: '"":"")'}

    elseif: function (param, value, c, ref) {
      var prev = c.stack[0] && !c.stack[0]._else && c.stack[0].type
      if (prev == 'for') {
        param = (param == null ? '-' : param).match(/^(\w*|-)(:(.*))?$/)
        if (param[1] == '-') { param[1] = c._lastFor }
        var res = options.blocks.if(param[3], value, c, function (s) {
          return '(' + param[1] + 'i==-1&&' + (ref || c.ref)(s) + ')'
        return NoDash.assign(res, {start: c.stack.shift().end + '+' + res.start,
                                   type: 'if', _for: param[1]})
      } else if (prev != 'if') {
        throw new Error('template: elseif: no preceding if or for.')
      } else {
        if (c.stack[0]._for != null) {
          arguments[3] = function (s) {
            return '(' + c.stack[0]._for + 'i==-1&&' + (ref || c.ref)(s) + ')'
        var res = options.blocks.if.apply(this, arguments)
        c.stack[0].end += ')'
        return {start: '"":' + res.start}

    else: function (param, value, c) {
      if ((param && ((c.stack[0] || {}).type != 'for')) || value) {
        throw new Error('template: else takes no arguments.')
      } else {
        var res = options.blocks.elseif(param, '', c, function () { return 1 })
        c.stack[0]._else = true   // may have been shift()'ed
        return res

    for: function (pf, value, c) {
      var match = (pf || '').match(/^(\*)?(\w*)()$/)
      if (!match) {
        throw new Error('template: bad "for:' + pf + '".')
      pf = c._lastFor = match[2]
      return {
        head:  'var ' + pf + 'i;',
        start: '(' + pf + 'i=-1,' +
               '_x.for(' + c.ref(value) + ',' + !!match[1] + ',' +
               'function(' + pf + 'm,' + pf + 'k,' + pf + 'a){' +
               pf + 'i++;return""',
        end:   '""}))',
  }, options.blocks)

  var c = {
    options: options,
    stack: [],
    _lastFor: null,

    extra: {
      for: function (value, forceObject, func) {
        if (value == null || value === false) {
          return ''
        } else if (forceObject || !NoDash.isArrayLike(value)) {
          return NoDash.entries(value)
            .sort(function (a, b) {
              // Keys may be numbers if forceObject && isArrayLike.
              return (a[0] += '') > (b[0] += '') ? +1 : -1
            .map(function (entry) { return func(entry[1], entry[0], value) })
        } else {
          return, func).join('')

    ref: function (s) {
      if (!(s = s.trim())) { throw new Error('template: blank ref.') }
      var m
      if (m = s.match(/^(\w+)((\.\w+)*)$/)) {
        s = '["' + m[2].substr(1).replace(/\./g,
                (options.laxRef ? '","' : '"]["')) + '"]'
        if (options.laxRef) {
          s = '(typeof ' + m[1] + '=="undefined"?undefined:' +
              (m[2] ? '' + m[1] + ',' + s + ')' : m[1]) + ')'
        } else {
          s = m[1] + (m[2] ? s : '')
      } else if (!options.code) {
        throw new Error('template: code refs prohibited.')
      } else {
        s = '(' + s + ')'
      return s

  var head = ''
  var blocks = NoDash.keys(options.blocks).join('|')
  var blockStart = new RegExp('^(' + blocks + ')(:\\S*)?(\\s+(.*))?$')
  var blockEnd = new RegExp('^\\/\\s*(' + blocks + ')?\\s*$')

  if (str instanceof Function) {
    // RegExp /s flag (dotAll) is not supported in IE and older FF.
    str = str.toString().match(/\/\*([\s\S]*)\*\//)[1].trim()
  } else if (NoDash.isElement(str)) {
    str = str.textContent

  if (options.backslash) {
    str = str.replace(/\\[\r\n]\s*/g, '')

  str = str.replace(/(\\(\\\\)*)\{\{|((?:\\\\)*)\{\{\s*(.*?)\}\}|(["\\\0-\x1F])/g, function () {
    var m = arguments
    if (m[1]) {
      var res = m[0].substr(1)
    } else if (m[5]) {    // \ or " or non-printable
      var code = m[0].charCodeAt(0)
      var res = '\\x' + (code < 16 ? '0' : '') + code.toString(16)
    } else {
      var res = m[3] + '"+'
      var inside = m[4]
      if (m = inside.match(blockStart)) {
        var block = options.blocks[m[1]](m[2] ? m[2].substr(1) : null,
                                         m[3] ? m[4] : null, c)
        head += block.head || ''
        res += block.start || ''
        block.type = block.type || m[1]
        block.end && c.stack.unshift(block)
      } else if (m = inside.match(blockEnd)) {
        if (!c.stack.length || (m[1] && c.stack[0].type != m[1])) {
          throw new Error('template: /' + c.stack[0].type + ' expected, {{' + m[0] + '}} found.')
        res += c.stack.shift().end
      } else {
        res += '((T=' + c.ref(inside.substr(inside[0] == '=')) + ')==null?"":' +
               (inside[0] == '=' ? 'T' : 'E(T)') + ')'
      res += '+"'
    return res

  if (c.stack.length) {
    str = NoDash.pluck(c.stack, 'type').join('}} <- {{')
    throw new Error('template: unclosed {{' + str + '}}.')

  str = head + 'return"' + str + '"'
  // str (head) may contain "var".
  if (options.with) { str = 'with(v){' + str + '}' }

  if (!options.source) {
    var def = options.prepare
    if (def && (typeof def != 'function')) {
      options.prepare = function (v) {
        return NoDash.assign({}, def, v, {o: NoDash.assign({}, def.o, v.o)})

    // It appears that strict mode isn't applied to such functions even
    // though it applies to eval, neither when they're created nor called.
    // But unlike eval they have access to the global scope only.
    str = 'v=v||{};v=_p?_p(v):v;v.o=v.o||{};' +
          'var T,E=v.o.escaper||function(s){return s};' + str
    str = (new Function('_p,_,_x,v', str))
      .bind(undefined, options.prepare, NoDash, c.extra)

  return str