

This section documents most of Predis classes that can be directly used by the client code.

List of exceptions


+ EmptyRingException                  <-
+ A PredisException
  + AbortedMultiExecException         <- WATCH'ed key change
  + A CommunicationException
  | |
  | + RoleException                   <-
  | |
  | + ProtocolException               <-
  | |
  | + ConnectionException             <- connection timeout, etc.
  + NotSupportedException             <-
  + ClientException                   <-
  | |
  | + MissingMasterException          <-
  + ServerException                   <- erroneous Redis response (-ERR)
    ( ErrorInterface )


Thrown when a MULTI/EXEC transaction has failed:


Returns the offending MultiExec object.

abstract CommunicationException

A base class for exceptions identifying a low-level protocol problem, unexpected reply, etc.


Retrusn a related NodeConnectionInterface.


Returns true if the connection should be closed when this exception is produced, to recover from unexpected condition. false if the connection can be kept.

static handle(CommunicationException)

Throws the argument, disconnecting if its shouldResetConnection() is true.

abstract PredisException

A base class for most exceptions produced by Predis.


Thrown when client code attempts to use a feature unsupported by current Predis setup, such as command unsupported by Predis profile or connection scheme (e.g. due to http/Webdis not supporting transactions).


A generic exception, usually thrown when the client code attempts to use Predis in a wrong way.


Thrown when client code has configured replication but no master was specified or autodiscovered.


Thrown when using HashRight key distribution without configured nodes.


Thrown when Redis returns an erroneous response (e.g. -ERR Something went wrong) to some command. Some of these cases can be disabled with exceptions option for Client (see Configuration) or for MultiExec/transaction().

Implements ErrorInterface, see its API for details.


Thrown on Redis communication protocol parsing errors.


Thrown when the connection to Redis couldn't be established or has broken or timed out.

List of interfaces


Indicates command objects that can be sent to Redis and which response can be parsed.

Implemented by classes under Command namespace.


Indicates commands that provide special processing when prefix (option)[] is enabled (for prefixing keys with a fixed value).


When called, must prefix all keys used by this command with $prefix.


Indicates Predis configuration objects. See (Configuration)[].

Implemented by classes under Configuration namespace.


Indicates a Predis configuration container, as returned by Client->getOptions().

Implemented by Options.


Indicates objects representing Redis server profiles with the list of supported command IDs (e.g. SCAN).

Implemented by classes under Profile namespace.


Indicates an object calculating key hashes used for key distribution over a Redis cluster.


Indicates an implementation of key distribution logic.


Indicates a strategy used to calculate key hashes for client-side sharging.


Represents an erroneous Redis response to a command. Such responses are of -ERR Something went wrong format, as opposed to +strings and other types in Redis protocol.


Returns the error identifier, in upper-case, such as WRONGTYPE or a generic ERR.


Returns a new Response\Error object (implementing ErrorInterface). These objects are usually used when exceptions were configured to be ignored, not bailing out (see exceptions Configuration).


Represents a Redis response to a command, successful or not.


Indicates that the object can be used in a similar way to the main Client object. For example, it's implemented by objects returned from pipeline() and transaction().

Such objects are guaranteed to support registered Predis command invokation via __call, and executeCommand.

$p = $predis->pipeline();
$v = $p->get('skey');
$p->set('skey', 'value');

// Just like $predis->get() and $predis->set().

Implemented by Pipeline and MultiExec.


Represents a main Predis interface object.

Implemented by Client.


Implements a standard Redis protocol reader.


Implements data serialization and unserialization for standard Redis protocol.


Implements a protocol parser for a particular type of Redis response.


Implements data serialization for standard Redis protocol.


Identifies a connection with a single Redis server using an external protocol processor.


Identifies a connection with a single Redis erver.


Identifies a virtual connection aggregating multiple Redis servers.


Implements a container with connection options such as read_write_timeout. Can be set by connections and related (options)[].

Implemented by Connection\Parameters.


Identifies a group of Redis servers in a replication (master/slave) setup.


Identifies a cluster of multiple Redis servers.


Represents a factory for managing Predis connections. Can be obtained by Client->getOptions()->connections.

Implemented by Connection\Factory.


Represents a base Predis connection backend.

Implemented by classes under Connection namespace.

Root namespace

All Predis classes are grouped under the Predis namespace: Predis\Client, Predis\Connection\PhpiredisStreamConnection, etc.


Implements: ClientInterface, IteratorAggregate.

The main class you will use to connect to Redis and execute commands.

When using a connection pool (PredisCluster or RedisCluster), it's possible to iterate over a Client object with foreach: keys are connection identifiers, e.g., values are new Client instances with only that connection from the pool. If this object uses another connection class, a ClientException is thrown on foreach.

__construct([mixed $parameters[, mixed $options]])

$parameters specify connection settings, set up aggregate connections and so on. Can be:

$options configure Predis behaviour. Can be:


Returns a ProfileInterface. A profile describes the server Predis is talking to, such as Redis version and special processing (such as key prefixing).


Returns an OptionsInterface that tweak Predis behaviour.




Connects to the Redis server. Usually happens automatically behind the scenes.


Disconnects from the Redis server.


An alias to disconnect, like Redis' QUIT.


Returns a boolean indicating if Predis is connected to the Redis server or not.


Returns a ConnectionInterface (even if disconnected).



executeRaw(array $arguments[, &$error])

Executes a Redis command (RawCommand) without any pre- and post-processing as if you have invoked it directly on the server. Doesn't throw an exception on invalid response, even if exceptions option is set.

$arguments - array of command ID (case-insensitive Redis command name like HSET) followed by its arguments.

Optional $error is given by reference. After executeRaw returns, $error is set to true if Redis returned an error response, false if it was executed successfully.

Returns a string regardless of $error.


var_dump($predis->executeRaw(['command', 'count'], $error), $e);



Erroneous call:

var_dump($predis->executeRaw(['command', 'foo'], $error), $e);


string(52) "ERR Unknown subcommand or wrong number of arguments."

__call($commandID[, array $arguments])

It's possible to invoke Predis commands directly on a Client instance.

$commandID is case-insensitive, i.e. SORT, sort and SorT are identical.

Equivalent to calling executeCommand(createCommand(...)).

Returns whatever was returned by the command (typically a string or an array).

var_dump($predis->renamenx('oldkey', 'newkey'));
  //=> int(1)
var_dump($predis->renameNX('nonexkey', 'newkey'));
  // ServerException: 'ERR no such key'.
var_dump($predis->RenameNX('oldkey', 'exkey'));
  //=> int(0)

createCommand($commandID, array $arguments)

Asks current server profile to construct a command instance.

$commandID is case-insensitive, i.e. SORT, sort and SorT are identical.

Equivalent to calling getProfile()->createCommand(...).

Returns a CommandInterface.


Asks current connection to execute the given command. If Redis responds with an error and exceptions option is set, a ServerException is thrown; if it's unset, an ErrorInterface is returned.

Note: unlike executeRaw() this works with registered Predis commands (including custom scripts), not necessary native Redis command names. Regular processing rules such as key prefixing and error handling apply.

The NOSCRIPT error in response to a ScriptCommand (base class for custom Lua scripts) is transparently handled by resubmitting the same script with EVAL instead of EVALSHA. Note: this doesn't work in pipeline and transaction modes.

Equivalent to calling getConnection()->executeCommand(...).

Returns whatever was returned by the command (typically a string or an array).

See __call.

pipeline([array $options][, callable $callable])

Creates a pipeline context. A pipeline combines multiple commands into a single network packet, drastically reducing latency if the Redis server is on another host. Responses to those commands are combined into a single response packet sent by Redis. Multiple pipeline contexts can exist at a time.

Unlike transactions (MULTI-EXEC blocks), pipelining doesn't provide guarantees that its commands will run in succession without another connection's commands running in between.

Like transactions, response to any pipelined command is unknown before the entire pipeline is ran. When it happens, all responses are returned as a single indexed array.

If $callable is provided, it's invoked with the intermediate pipeline object (Pipeline\Pipeline) and upon return the pipeline is dispatched (execute). pipeline() itself returns an array of responses (each called command gets one entry). execute() must not be called inside $callable or a ClientException will be thrown.

If $callable is not provided, a ClientContextInterface is returned that can be used to enqueue commands and call them later. This interface mimics the Client class but isn't entirely compatible; it should only be used for invoking Predis commands. To dispatch the pipeline, execute() must be called (not exec()).

If exceptions Predis option is set and any queued command received an erroneous response from Redis, Predis calls disconnect() and throws a ServerException (other responses are not processed nor returned). If the option is unset, returned response array will contain ErrorInterface instances for failed commands.

Pipelined commands are always sent to the master connection.


$options is an associative array of these keys:


$res = $predis->pipeline(['atomic' => true], function ($p) {
  $p->set('k1', 'foo');
  $p->hset('h', 'k', 'bar');

// $res[0] is a Status (ResponseInterface).
var_dump((string) $res[0]);
  //=> string(2) "OK"

  //=> int(0)

The above is schematically identical to:

SET k1 foo
HSET h k bar

A fire-and-forget, if used, would be the same but without PROCESS_RESPONSES.

A simple example without any of these modifiers:

$predis->pipeline(function ($p) {
  $p->set('k2', 'v2');

Note the absense of MULTI/EXEC:

SET k2 v2
Fluent call examples (without $callable)

Without $options:

$res = $predis->pipeline()
  ->set('k2', 'v2')

With $options:

$res = $predis->pipeline(['atomic' => true])
  ->set('k1', 'foo')
  ->hset('h', 'k', 'bar')
A combination example

It's possible to combine fluent and closure call forms as long as $callable doesn't invoke execute():

$pipe = $predis->pipeline(['atomic' => true]);
$pipe->set('k', 'v');

$res = $pipe->execute(function ($pipe) {
  $pipe->hset('h', 'k', 'v');
Nested modes

You cannot enter transaction after entering a pipeline or vice-versa using pipeline() and transaction() methods. This is invalid:

$predis->pipeline(function ($p) use ($predis) {
  // No such method 'transaction'.

  // This will work but transaction will be executed outside of the pipeline.

However, it's possible to initiate transaction by calling MULTI, EXEC, WATCH and other related methods directly:

$res = $predis->pipeline(function ($p) {

  $p->set('k3', 'v2');


$res will contain a nested array for each exec():

array(6) {
  [0] =>
  string(3) "foo of k1"

  [1] =>
  class Predis\Response\Status#11 (1) {
    private $payload =>
    string(2) "OK"
  [2] =>
  class Predis\Response\Status#12 (1) {
    private $payload =>
    string(6) "QUEUED"
  [3] =>
  class Predis\Response\Status#12 (1) {
    private $payload =>
    string(6) "QUEUED"
  [4] =>
  array(2) {
    [0] =>
    string(3) "quux of k2"
    [1] =>
    class Predis\Response\Status#11 (1) {
      private $payload =>
      string(2) "OK"

  [5] =>
  string(3) "bar of k4"

As a more convenient alternative, if you don't need to have anything but the transaction inside the pipeline, pass the atomic option:

$res = $predis->pipeline(['atomic' => true], function ($p) {
Reusing the pipeline

It's possible to use the same pipeline object more than once - it's flushed after each successful execute(). It's not recommended to reuse an object that has thrown an exception during execution as previously recorded commands might be left in the queue.

$pipe = $predis->pipeline();
$pipe->set('k', 'v');
$res1 = $pipe->execute();


$pipe->hset('h', 'k', 'v');
$res2 = $pipe->execute();

This reusage is not recommended:

try {
} catch (...) {
  // Do nothing.

// $pipe might be reused after an exception in execute().
// Leftover commands might be left in its queue.

Note: nested execute() is not allowed:

$predis->pipeline(function ($pipe) {
  // This will throw a ClientException.

This class makes the pipeline resistant to ConnectionException: whenever it occurs, remaining commands are not ran and their responses are returned as a CommunicationException instance that has occurred.

For cluster connections, commands continue to run if they are meant for execution on a connection that is yet to fail.

This class is currently not reachable via pipeline() and should be used directly. It's interface is identical to the one described under the pipeline() method.

It only supports connections implementing NodeConnectionInterface or ClusterInterface and throws NotSupportedException for others.

$res = (new Pipeline\ConnectionErrorProof($predis))
  ->execute(function ($cep) {

$res is an array of the usual command responses. If a connection error occurs, that command's response and all the following are set to that exception's object and not sent to Redis.

For a cluster connection, suppose we have 3 individual connections S1, S2, S3. Last two have failed at some point with different exceptions E2, E3. Suppose we are submitting 12 commands in such a way that each connection handles 4 of them; commands are named C1x for S1's commands, etc. and their successful return values - R1x, etc. Then:

Command   Result
C11       R11
 C21      R21
 C22      E2
  C31     R31
C12       R12
C13       R13
 C23      not ran; E2
 C24      not ran; E2
C14       R14
  C32     R32
  C33     R33
  C34     E3

transaction([array $options][, callable $callable])

Creates a transaction context. Commands ran inside a transaction are guaranteed to be serialized, i.e. no other connection will be able to run commands in between serialized commands. Responses to those commands are delayed until the transaction ends, after which they are returned in a single indexed array. Multiple transaction contexts can exist at a time.

Using transactions in Predis is very similar to using pipelines, therefore see pipeline() for more details and examples.

Transaction cannot be started on an aggregate connection or with a profile that doesn't support MULTI, EXEC or DISCARD (NotSupportedException is thrown).

If a watched key changes before EXEC, the transaction is re-run up to retries times (default: 0), after which an AbortedMultiExecException is thrown.

An error in any non-user command (WATCH, MULTI, EXEC, UNWATCH, DISCARD) immediately causes ServerException regardless of the exception option (transaction's or Client's). Note: EXEC returns empty response if a watched key has changed, not an error.

If Redis reports an error while queueing a command an AbortedMultiExecException is thrown, or if Redis sends a non-QUEUED response Predis disconnects and throws a ProtocolException.

The transaction is discarded on an exception within $callable.

For this transaction object only, exec acts as execute (but exec doesn't accept $callable).

If there were no queued commands when execute was called, watched keys (if any) are unwatched and no MULTI/EXEC are sent.


$options is an associative array with the following optional keys:

Unlike pipelines, reusing transaction object with a non-empty queue is prohibited (ClientException is thrown):

$trans = $predis->transaction();
// This throws an exception:
$trans->execute(function ...);
CAS, watching and retries

Imagine a setup with many concurrent connections doing the same operation: reading a value, changing it and writing back. Without transactions you cannot guarantee that nobody else has read or written the value while you are in the middle of this operation:

client1 GET k
client2 GET k
client1 SET k
client2 SET k

To avoid this, the key k must be watched for changes between GET and SET:

$res = $predis->transaction(['watch' => 'k', 'cas' => true], function ($t) {
  // In CAS mode, before multi() has been manually called all commands are immediately sent to Redis and results fetched.
  $value = $t->get('k');
  // Change the value somehow...
  $value .= mt_rand();

  // Begin the transaction. 'k' was put on the watch list immediately before calling get() above.
  $t->set('k', $value);

The above example will only write k if this key (i.e. no keys in the watch option) has not changed from WATCH to EXEC. If it did, the transaction will fail with AborderMultiExecException after the closure returns.

This constitutes CAS - Compare-And-Swap where you first fetch values, do the calculates and then save results only if those values were not changed by another client.

Optimistic locking simply means that the entire CAS operation is repeated until it succeeds (i.e. a lucky chance was taken when nobody else was writing the values in the parallel). To specify the number of retries to re-run the operation retry option is used:

$predis->transaction(['watch' => 'k', 'cas' => true, 'retry' => 5], function ($t) {
  // Identical to the above example.

Here, the transaction is allowed to be repeated up to 4 times and if 5th repetition successfully saves the data the transaction will succeed.

pubSubLoop([array $options][, callable $callable])

Enters a pub/sub (publish-subscribe) context to read messages in the subscribed channels. A "channel" is like a pipe: another connection (the publisher) pushes messages from one end and this connection and all other subscribers take them from the other end. It's possible to subscribe and unsubscribe while this context is active. Multiple pub/sub contexts can be running at a time.

If $callable is provided, it's invoked with the intermediate pub/sub object (PubSub\Consumer) and message for every new message. The code blocks if there's no available message in any of the subscribed channels. If $callable returns false, the pub/sub context ends and execution continues in the caller.

If $callable is not provided, an AbstractConsumer is returned and can be used for custom processing.

Unlike transaction and pipeline contexts that buffer responses until they can be submitted at once, pub/sub changes underlying connection context. Do not call commands on the main Client object with active pub/sub - they will produce exceptions or return unexpected results. To return to normal context use stop().

See also DispatcherLoop for a callback-based message handling.

Pub/sub cannot be started on an aggregate connection or with a profile that doesn't support PUBLISH, SUBSCRIBE, UNSUBSCRIBE, PSUBSCRIBE or PUNSUBSCRIBE (NotSupportedException is thrown).


$options is an associative array with the following optional keys:

Keys are this object's method names which receive one argument - that key's value so other options can be theoretically used.

Possible messages

A "message" is a generic object (stdClass) with these properties:

Standard message kinds:

Other kinds produce a ClientException.


Convenient callback-based looping:

$predis->pubSubLoop(['psubscribe' => 'foo:*'], function ($l, $msg) {
  if ($msg->kind === 'pong') {
  } elseif ($msg->kind === 'pmessage' and $msg->payload === 'Q') {
    return false.

echo 'I will be reached after you send "Q" to any foo:* channel.';
$predis->get('strkey');   // now is fine.

Customized processing using the pub/sub object:

$l = $predis->pubSubLoop(['subscribe' => ['a', 'b']]);
// Ignore two initial 'subscribe' messages.
$l->psubscribe('foo:*', '*bar');

foreach ($l as $msg) {
  // Receive 'pong', two 'psubscribe', then new messages.




Enters a command monitor context. Redis will echo commands from other clients. Returns a Monitor\Consumer object. Monitor is stopped (stop()) when this object is destroyed. Multiple monitors can be running at a time.

Monitor cannot be started on an aggregate connection or with a profile that doesn't support MONITOR (NotSupportedException is thrown).

The monitor object implements Iterator so it can be used in foreach. However, it doesn't support rewinding (rewind calls are ignored) - this means if a foreach loop stops, next foreach will resume from the first command not handled by previous loop.

Each monitored command is represented by a generic object (stdClass) with these properties:

foreach ($predis->monitor() as $cmd) {
  echo "Client [$cmd->client] has issued a ", strtoupper($cmd->command),
       " on DB #$cmd->database at ", date(DATE_RSS, $cmd->timestamp),
       " with arguments:", PHP_EOL;
  echo $cmd->arguments, PHP_EOL;
Connection context

Note: there's no way to stop the monitor other than closing the connection. The stop() method does that.

Like pubSubLoop(), monitoring changes underlying connection context. Do not call commands on the main Client object with active monitor - they will produce exceptions or return unexpected results. Use stop() to close the connection and have Client reconned when a regular Redis command is issued.

Correct usage:

$m = $predis->monitor();

foreach ($m as $cmd) {


$predis->set('k', 'v');

Wrong usage:

$m = $predis->monitor();
$predis->set('k', 'v');
  // This is wrong!


Commands that enter another context - mode of operation (pipeline, transaction, pub-sub) typically implement this interface to allow calling Predis commands the same way it's done on the main Client instance.


Executes a pre-constructed command in this context. This doesn't always mean the command is immediately send to Redis - e.g. pipeline will record them for bulk submission.

__call($commandID[, array $arguments])

Similarly to Client->__call(), creates and executes a registered Predis command (case-insensitive $commandID, such as llen) in this context.


Starts execution of this context. If $callable is given, it's invoked with this object (its return value is ignored). After it returns, accumulated commands are sent to Redis.


Classes of this group provide high-level abstraction over SCAN family of Redis commands. There's also a list iterator class which is not provided with SCAN. Iteration doesn't have to be exhausted; you can abandon the loop at any time, or even not start it without a penalty.

To use them, construct them directly. They are not returned nor used by other Predis classes.


Implements: Iterator.

An abstract base class for concrete iterators that make use of SCAN commands provided by Redis. Iteration order is undefined.

Unlike KEYS and SMEMBERS commands that do similar tasks, SCAN commands do not block the server for a long time. However, this means there might be inconsistency if the database or target key is actively being updated: new keys might be missing from SCAN results while removed keys might be present.

__construct(ClientInterface[, $match[, int $count]])

Creates a new iterator on the given Client object. $match is an optional pattern such as foo:*. $count sets a recommended result set size for Redis (see Redis documentation for details).

protected getScanOptions()

Returns an array of options accepted by corresponding scan() Predis command. Example: ['MATCH' => 'foo:*', 'COUNT' => 10].

protected executeCommand()

Fetches next set from Redis.

rewind(), current(), key(), next(), valid()

Iterator methods rewinding the scan to the beginning, returning current element, its key, advancing to the next element and returning true if there are more elements or false if not.


Extends: CursorBasedIterator.

An interface to HSCAN for iterating over hash key fields. Iteration order is undefined.

Iteration key is hash field name, value is that field's value.

Throws NotSupportedException if current profile doesn't support HSCAN.

$predis->hmset('hkey', ['k' => 'v', 'k2' => 'v2']);
$it = new Collection\Iterator\HashKey($predis, 'hkey');

foreach ($it as $field => $value) {
  echo "$field = $value", PHP_EOL;

// The above cycle will print:
//   k = v
//   k2 = v2

__construct(ClientInterface, $key[, $match[, int $count]])

Creates a new hash iterator on the given Client object. $key is the name of the hash key which fields should be iterated over. $match is an optional pattern such as foo:*. $count sets a recommended result set size for Redis (see Redis documentation for details).


Extends: CursorBasedIterator.

An interface to SCAN for iterating over all keys in the database.

Iteration value is current key name.

Throws NotSupportedException if current profile doesn't support SCAN.

$predis->set('skey', 'str');
$predis->hset('hkey', 'field', 'value');
$it = new Predis\Collection\Iterator\Keyspace($predis);

foreach ($it as $key) {
  echo "$key", PHP_EOL;

// The above cycle will print:
//   skey
//   hkey


Implements: Iterator.

A class for iterating over list keys in the same way as provided by CursorBasedIterator-based classes. Since there's no built-in Redis command for iterating over lists, ListKey emulates it with LRANGE.

See CursorBasedIterator for method details and (lack of) guarantees.

Throws NotSupportedException if current profile doesn't support LRANGE.

$predis->lpush('lkey', 'v1', 'v2', 'v3');
$it = new Predis\Collection\Iterator\ListKey($predis, 'lkey');

foreach ($it as $value) {
  echo "$value", PHP_EOL;

// The above cycle will print:
//   v1
//   v2
//   v3

__construct(ClientInterface, $key[, $match[, int $count = 20]])

Creates a new list iterator on the given Client object. $key is the name of the list key which values should be iterated over. $match is an optional pattern such as foo:*. $count sets the number of elements to fetch from Redis with lrange and hold in memory at once.


Extends: CursorBasedIterator.

An interface to SSCAN for iterating over sets.

Iteration value is current set member's name.

Throws NotSupportedException if current profile doesn't support SSCAN.

$predis->sadd('skey', 'm1', 'm2');
$it = new Predis\Collection\Iterator\SetKey($predis, 'skey');

foreach ($it as $member) {
  echo "$member", PHP_EOL;

// The above cycle will print:
//   m1
//   m2

__construct(ClientInterface, $key[, $match[, int $count]])

Creates a new set iterator on the given Client object. $key is the name of the set key which members should be iterated over. $match is an optional pattern such as foo:*. $count sets a recommended result set size for Redis (see Redis documentation for details).


Extends CursorBasedIterator.

An interface to ZSCAN for iterating over hash key fields.

Iteration key is set's member name, value is that member's score.

Throws NotSupportedException if current profile doesn't support ZSCAN.

$predis->zadd('zkey', 0.1, 'm1', 0.2, 'm2', 0.3, 'm3');
$it = new Predis\Collection\Iterator\SortedSetKey($predis, 'zkey');

foreach ($it as $member => $score) {
  echo "$member = $score", PHP_EOL;

// The above cycle will print:
//   m1 = 0.1
//   m2 = 0.2
//   m3 = 0.3

__construct(ClientInterface, $key[, $match[, int $count]])

Creates a new sorted set iterator on the given Client object. $key is the name of the sorted set key which members should be iterated over. $match is an optional pattern such as foo:*. $count sets a recommended result set size for Redis (see Redis documentation for details).


This namespace contains Predis implementations of Redis commands. Each supported command is a separate class, for example, ListPopFirstBlocking implements BLPOP.

Client code can register new commands using ProfileInterface->defineCommand() (see ScriptCommand examples below).


An abstraction for implementing server-side Lua scripts called with EVAL or EVALSHA. This class is registered as a regular Predis command and so can be called directly on a Client object.

Basic script:

class ReturnFooScript extends Predis\Command\ScriptCommand {
  function getScript() {
    return 'return "foo"';

$predis->getProfile()->defineCommand('retfoo', 'ReturnFooScript');
echo $predis->retfoo();
  //=> foo

More complex example that accepts a key, a value and validates arguments:

class GetSetScript extends Predis\Command\ScriptCommand {
  function getScript() {
    return 'return"GETSET", KEYS[1], ARGV[1])';

  protected function getKeysCount() {
    return 1;

  protected function filterArguments(array $args) {
    if (count($args) < 2) {
      throw new InvalidArgumentException(__CLASS__." expects at least 2 arguments.");

    return parent::filterArguments($args);

$predis->getProfile()->defineCommand('mygetset', 'GetSetScript');
$predis->set('k', 'oldk');
echo $predis->mygetset('k', 'newk');
  //=> oldk, old value returned
echo $predis->get('k');
  //=> newk, current value as given to mygetset()

abstract getScript()

Returns a string - Lua script.

protected getKeysCount()

Returns how many of the command's arguments are keys. Redis calling convention that must be followed is to pass all key names the script will work on (read or write) before other arguments.

Can return a negative number meaning "all arguments but last N are keys". So if the script takes 5 arguments, returning -2 is the same as returning 3.


This namespace Predis option classes (see Configuration). Each option is a separate class, but not all options need a class.

Options are hardcoded and cannot be registered by the client code.


Implements: OptionsInterface.

This is a container for Predis options typically given as an array to Client->__construct(). Each option is represented by a separate class, typically under Configuration namespace, and a name-class link is called a "handler".

The list of standard configuration options is described in the separate section.

An instance of this class can be obtained by Client->getOptions().

__construct([array $options])

Initializes the options container with the given user option values (they are passed through corresponding option's normalization).


Returns a mixed default value used if there was no value supplied by the user.

  //=> true


Returns true if $option was given by the user or is a standard option (which always has a default value), or false otherwise.


Returns true if $option is defined() and its value is not null.

$options = new Options(['custom' => 1]);

  //=> true, even though it wasn't explictly given to the constructor

  //=> false

  //=> true, even though it's not a standard option as demonstrated below

$options = new Options;
  //=> false


If $option was given by user and if it's an object with __invoke such as a Closure (note: callable array won't work), it's called and return value used as if it was given directly.

If $option was given by user and it's a standard Predis option, it is normalized (filter()) and returned value used instead of the user value. filter might throw an exception.

If $option was given by user and it's not a standard option, it's returned as is.

Finally, if $option was not given by user and it's a standard option, its default value (getDefault()) is used.

If $option was not given by user and it's not a standard option, null is returned.

Note: this returns option's value, not option's object - it cannot be obtained using Options public interface.

$options = new Options(['custom' => 1]);

  //=> true

  //=> 1

  //=> null

  //=> a MasterSlaveReplication


Classes under this namespace handle low-level Redis connection details including aggregate (cluster) connections.


I ConnectionInterface
+ I AggregateConnectionInterface
| |
| + I ClusterInterface
| | |
| | + PredisCluster                         <-
| | |
| | + RedisCluster                          <-
| |
| + I ReplicationInterface
|   |
|   + MasterSlaveReplication                <-
|   |
|   + SentinelReplication                   <-
+ I NodeConnectionInterface
  + I CompositeConnectionInterface
  + WebdisConnection                        <- default for http
  + A AbstractConnection
    + PhpiredisSocketConnection             <-
    + StreamConnection                      <- default for tcp, tls, unix
      + CompositeStreamConnection           <-
      | ( CompositeConnectionInterface )
      + PhpiredisStreamConnection           <-


The basic interface that every Predis connection backend should implement.


Connects to Redis server, unless already connected.


Disconnects from Redis server, if connected.


Returns true if this backend has currently open connection, false if not.


Sends the command with arguments to Redis. Doesn't read response. Returns nothing.


Reads Redis response to the given command. Returns mixed value as parsed by that command. It's supposed that this command was indeed written just before reading the response, or unexpected things will happen.


Sends the command with arguments to Redis and reads its response. Returns mixed value as parsed by the command. A shortcut to writeRequest(); return readResponse().


Represents a connection to a single Redis server, as opposed to an aggregate pool of connections.


Returns a string identifying this connection, such as tls:// or /var/run/redis.sock (it doesn't have to be a proper URI).


Returns an elementary resource used by this backend to represent the connection, for example, a PHP file handle.


Returns a `ParametersInterface of original parameters used to initialize this connection.


Schedules given command to be executed after (re-)establishing a new connection to Redis server. Usually used for AUTH and DAATABASE commands.

New commands are not executed if a connection is already established but will be executed if it's reconnected.


Performs a low-level read from the connection. Similar to readResponse() but doesn't process the result in any way.


Implements: NodeConnectionInterface.

A base class for connections implemented using an elementary resource type, such as a PHP socket.


Creates new connection instance. Doesn't connect - this happens with the first communication attempt. Throws InvalidArgumentException on invalid parameters.


Closes the connection when the object is destroyed.

protected onConnectionError($message[, $code = null])

Is called to throw ConnectionException on a low-level connection error, such as inability to resolve target hostname, read/write required data, timeout occurrence, etc.

Is also caused by a failed command from addConnectCommand (including those which received an erroneous response).

protected onProtocolError($message)

Is called to throw ProtocolException on a Redis protocol processing, such as unexpected format.


Returns a cached string identifier, or builds it, caches and returns.

protected getIdentifier()

Returns a string identifier of this connection: /var/run/redis.sock for unix scheme, host:port for others.


Extends: AbstractConnection.

A concrete class used to handle numerous schemes from tcp to unix using PHP streams.

Constructor fails if:

Treats redis and rediss as aliases to tcp and tls.


Doesn't disconnect if persistent parameter is set.


Extends: StreamConnection.

A concrete class used to remove overhead of parsing and building Redis protocol in PHP by using phpiredis PHP extension in C.

Throws NotSupportedException if phpiredis extension is not loaded.


Extends: Abstractonnection.

Similar to PhpiredisStreamConnection but uses more flexible PHP socket extension instead of streams PHP API.

Throws NotSupportedException if phpiredis or sockets extensions are not loaded, if scheme is not tcp, redis or unix or if persistent parameter is set.

Always sets TCP_NODELAY and SO_REUSEADDR flags.


Implements: NodeConnectionInterface.

A concrete class for communicating with (a read-only Redis-JSON web frontend).

Throws InvalidArgumentException if scheme is not http. Throws NotSupportedException if curl or phpiredis extensions are not loaded or when calling Redis commands not supported by Webdis:

Always sets TCP_NODELAY and SO_REUSEADDR flags.


Returns host:port.


Implements: FactoryInterface.

This class is accessible as Client->getOptions()->connections. It manages a pool of Predis connections, possibly over different schemes and with paraameters.

define($scheme, mixed $initializer)

Overrides initializer for the scheme.

An initializer must be a string class name implementing NodeConnectionInterface ora callable (lazily invoked when it's time to initialize a scheme) returning such a class name.

$connections->define('myyth', 'MyCorp\\MyMyyth');

$connections->define('http', function () {
  return 'MyCorp\\MyHttpRedisConnection';


Forgets about the scheme. Attempting to instantiate a connection with that scheme will throw an exception.


create(mixed $parameters)

$parameters can be:

Default parameters (if set) are used for keys missing in the input. See the parameters configuration option.

Constructed parameters object (a ParametersInterface) is given to the scheme initializer which returns a NodeConnectionInterface, and that object is returned by create().

If parameters specify connection password, AUTH command is scheduled for execution whenever that connection reconnects. If the database parametre is set, a SELECT command is also scheduled.

$connections->create(['host' => 'go.go.go', 'database' => 10]);

aggregate(AggregateConnectionInterface $aggr, array $parameters)

Aggregates connections from $parameters (creating them as necssary) into a single $aggr connection.

$parameters is an array of NodeConnectionInterfaces (aggregated as is) and other types (given to create() as creation parameters).

$conn1 = $connections->create(...);
$conn2 = 'http://localhost:8081/webdis?timeout=10';
$conn3 = ['scheme' => 'redis'];
$connections->aggregate($aggr, [ $conn1, $conn2, $conn3 ]);

setDefaultParameters(array $parameters)

Sets default parameters used when creating a new connection. This doesn't merge with defaults set earlier.

See the parameters configuration option and the create() method for the format.


Implements: ParametersInterface.

This object holds key/value pairs used by newly created Predis connections (see Connection\Factory->create()).

It stores global defaults in the private static variable $defaults which is defined as follows:

  'scheme' => 'tcp',
  'host' => '',
  'port' => 6379,

__construct([array $parameters])

Creates a new Parameters instance. If you wish to use a shorthand string parameters format, use create() or parse().

static create(mixed $parameters)

Creates a new Parameters instance. $parameters can be a string (given to parse()) or an ready-made array.

$parameters can be an empty string or array to use only defaults:

new Parameters();
  // or
  // or
  //=> ['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => '', 'port' => 6379]

static parse($uri)

Parses an URI specification into separate parameter values.

When using the redis and rediss schemes the URI is parsed according to the rules defined by the provisional registration documents approved by IANA. If the URI has a password in its user-information part or a database number in the path part these values override the values of password and database if they are present in the query part.

See (redis)[] and (rediss)[] specs.

Throws InvalidArgumentException is $uri is not a valid URI.

Standard PHP's parse_uri() is used and so any input it recognizes is supported.

Generally, URI has this format (ignore spaces):

[scheme: [//]] [ [user]:[pass] ] host [:port] [/path] [?query]

Two // after scheme: can sometimes be omitted but it's not recommended as many URIs won't be properly recognized.

IPv6 hosts are specified in square brackets: tcp://[::1]:777.

query part has this format:

key=value [& key=value [...]]

Keys from the query part are treated like parameters (they override URI components by the same name): localhost:123?port=6379 and localhost:6379 are equivalent, as are tcp:localhost and localhost?scheme=tcp.

TODO: document redis/rediss URI

Some valid URI examples:

  //=> ['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 10240]


Returns mixed value for the parameter, or null if it's undefined. Default parameters are also examined.


Returns true if the parameter is defined or it has a default value, false otherwise.


Returns array of all parameters including defaults.

$p = Parameters::create('localhost:10240');
  //=> ['scheme' => 'tcp', 'host' => 'localhost', 'port' => 10240]
  // 'scheme' comes from global defaults.


This namespace contains Redis server profile definitions.


Manages Redis server profiles - their versions, understood commands and so on. It's a static class that can't be instantiated.

static getDefault()

Returns a default ProfileInterface. It's usually last stable version, at this time - of Redis 3.2.

static getDevelopment()

Returns ProfileInterface of an latest unstable Redis version. Usually it's the same as getDefault.

static define($alias, $class)

Registers new server profile named $alias and handled by $class (must be a subclass of ProfileInterface or this will fail). Can be used to override a default profile.

Profile\Factory::define('dev', 'MyRedisProfile');

static get($alias)

Returns a singleton instance of server profile $alias. Throws ClientException if $alias is not registered.

getDefault and getDevelopment are convenient shortcuts to get('default') and get('dev').


This namespace contains abstractions for receiving messages on Redis pub/sub channels.


Implements: Iterator.

This is the base class used to implement subscriber's logic in pub/sub context.

It implements Iterator so it can be used in foreach. However, it doesn't support rewinding because pub/sub can only go forward (rewind calls are ignored) - this means if a foreach loop stops, next foreach will resume from the first message not handled by previous loop.

foreach ($predis->pubSubLoop(['subscribe' => 'x']) as $i => $msg) {
  // First $i is null, then 1 2 3 and so on.
  // $msg is an object with at least kind, channel and payload properties.

The context is automatically stopped and connection closed (by stop(true)) when the object is destroyed.


Returns true if this context has all $value state bits set, false otherwise.

A pub/sub context can be in these states:

The following example returns true if this context is valid and has subscribed to at least one channel by pattern:

$pubSub->isFlagSet($pubSub::STATUS_VALID | $pubSub::STATUS_PSUBSCRIBED);

subscribe($channel[, $channel[...]])

Subscribes to one or more channels by exact name.

unsubscribe([$channel[, $channel[...]]])

Unsubscribes from one or more channels by exact name (skips those that it didn't subscribe to).

Without arguments unsubscribes from all channels that were subscribed to by exact name.

psubscribe($pattern[, $pattern[...]])

Subscribes to one or more channels by pattern (e.g. foo:*).

punsubscribe([$pattern[, $pattern[...]]])

Unsubscribes from one or more channels by pattern (skips those that it didn't subscribe to).

Without arguments unsubscribes from all channels that were subscribed to by pattern.


Pings the server; if the connection is alive Redis will respond with PONG. If $payload is given, it's included in the response.

Response can be retrieved as any other pub/sub message:

$predis->pubSubLoop(function ($l, $msg) {
  $l->ping('got you');
  // Look for $msg->kind === 'pong' and $msg->payload === 'got you'.

stop([bool $drop = false])

Closes this pub/sub context.

If $drop is true, closes the main connection (used by Client object). Useful to hard-reset connection context.

If it's false, only unsubscribes from all channels (by name and pattern) so it's possible to issue regular Redis commands, or subscribe again.

Returns true if the context remains open, false if not (inclluding if the context was already closed).

Example of reusing subscription:

$l = $predis->pubSubLoop();
$l->stop();   //=> true

// $l can be used again to read messages.
// But don't issue Redis commands - result will be unexpected:
  //=> ['subscribe', 'x', 1]
  // or Redis will reply with aa invalid-in-this-context error.

Example of calling normal Redis commands while reusing the connection:

$l = $predis->pubSubLoop();
$l->stop();   //=> true

// $l can be used again to read messages or to issue Redis commands.
  //=> string(1) "svalue"

Example of hard-resetting the connection:

$l = $predis->pubSubLoop();
$l->stop(true);   //=> false

// $l can no more be used but $predis can be.
  //=> string(1) "svalue"

// Throws a ServerException about bad context.

protected disconnect()

Close the main connection used by Client. This is a protected method, use stop(true) instead.


Returns true if this context is open and it has subscribed to at least one channel by name or pattern.


A wrapper around Predis Client->pubSubLoop() object that allows registration of callbacks based on the channel's name.


Creates a dispatcher instance.

new DispatcherLoop($predis->pubSubLoop())


Returns a Consumer instance this dispatcher was created with.

subscriptionCallback([callable $callback = null])

Sets or unsets (if null) a callback invoked after subscribing to or unsubscribing from a channel.

The callback is given entire message object with kind, channel and other properties (see pubSubLoop()). Result is ignored.

defaultCallback([callable $callback = null])

Sets or unsets (if null) a callback invoked when a message arrives on a channel without its own callback.

The callback is given entire message object with kind, channel and other properties (see pubSubLoop()). Result is ignored.

attachCallback($channel, callable $callback)

Subscribes to $channel by exact name (to message and pmessage message kinds). Whenever a new message arrives, $callback is invoked, but only for that channel. Other channels' messages are given to defaultCallback(), if any.

$callback cannot be null - use detachCallback() to unsubscribe.

The callback is given message's payload.


Unsubscribes from a channel, if it was subscribed to. Its callback will no more be called.


Starts the loop, receiving messages and invoking registered callbacks.


Stops the running pub/sub loop.


This namespace contains a handler for managing PHP sessions using Predis.


Implements: \SessionHandlerInterface.

A supporting class for storing PHP sessions using Predis in one or more Redis servers.

$h = new Session\Handler($predis);

$_SESSION['foo'] = 'value';

echo $predis->get('foo');
  //=> value

__construct(ClientInterface[, array $options])

Creates a new instance but doesn't register new handler with PHP.

$options is an associative array with the following optional key:


Registers this instance as the current PHP session handler. After this session_start() can be called.


Returns the original Client object this handler uses to manage session data.


Returns the number of seconds any session value is kept for at most. Corresponds to Redis' TTL.